NHRA Announces Rookie of the Year Finalists (1 Viewer)

I'm votin' Doug Horne..........................Oh wait, this isn't for hottest guy.................:rolleyes::eek:
Kinda Hard to vote the guy rookie of the year when he already holds a championship in that class.....

For me its between Langdon and Horne.
Kinda Hard to vote the guy rookie of the year when he already holds a championship in that class................

Who exactly did he have to beat out to win that championship? That was minor league, not even close to the same level of competition:rolleyes:
Langdon's Super Comp Championships holds more water than Massey winning an IHRA championship. They didn't even have full 8 car fields at all of the races.

Yup, his record speaks for itself. He's the only one with a win.
Massey leads in all catagories, Victories, Win-Loss, Reaction Times, however he's not leading in points position, something that may effect the outcome. It's going to be a close one!
Although I wouldn't speak for PJ, I would guess that's probably not the point he was trying to make. The point isn't who he's beat or who he hasn't beat, it's the fact he's not a rookie to driving a Top Fuel car.

Sean D
By that rational, Antron should have won it last year!

Who exactly did he have to beat out to win that championship? That was minor league, not even close to the same level of competition:rolleyes:
Langdon's Super Comp Championships holds more water than Massey winning an IHRA championship. They didn't even have full 8 car fields at all of the races.

Massey leads in all catagories, Victories, Win-Loss, Reaction Times, however he's not leading in points position, something that may effect the outcome. It's going to be a close one!

By that rational, Antron should have won it last year!

actually entering the nitro ranks from anything else, I would have been fine with Antron being a ROY candidate.

And its not a huge issue to me, I expect Spencer will win it. If I had a vote though I would look elsewhere, I get the IHRA minor league arguement...although be careful about using full fields to support your arguement as nhra has several races last year without full fields. To me its about the newness to that class and how they handle that, which is important. Driving the car for a year, regardless of who it is against earned a boat load of experience in that type of car that others have had to learn on the run this year.

Points standings would carry alot of weight. Winning a race shows you were really good one weekend and while that is important points show you were better throughout the season. I would likely weigh heavily towards whomever earned the most points throughout the season
Main Entry: rook·ie
Pronunciation: \ˈru̇-kē\
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps alteration of recruit
Date: 1892
1 : recruit; also : novice
2 : a first-year participant in a major professional sport

so i guess IHRA doesn't count as "major professional sport":eek:

shawn langdon gets my vote
Main Entry: rook·ie
Pronunciation: \ˈru̇-kē\
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps alteration of recruit
Date: 1892
1 : recruit; also : novice
2 : a first-year participant in a major professional sport

so i guess IHRA doesn't count as "major professional sport":eek:

shawn langdon gets my vote
Minor league baseball players get salaries, therefore they are professionals by definition................however they are NOT the major leagues.

That's a pretty fair example, IHRA is not in the same league when compared to NHRA.
Hoping for Doug Horne because he's our hometown favorite! Oh, and his business supports our local track.....
IMO,Horne should be the ROTY. If Massey gets it,it's a sham.
How can it be a sham??? Don't get me wrong, I really like Horne, but for him to win it without a checkmark in the win column would be a real sham.

And to say that Massey won an IHRA Championship has zero merit here. Horne won the 2008 National Championship in the Rush Pro Fuel Class of the All Harley Drag Racing Association.
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Hey Lance. You are making good arguments but probably swimming upstream with some on here.............:)
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