If I am reading between the lines correctly, sounds like Blake Alexander may be teaming up with Tasca? Wondering if Blake wanted to do the full tour and Jim was not wanting to do so.
As far as filling the now vacant Jim Head seat, "Plenty of Pro Mod drivers want a Funny Car seat, and many of them have the business acumen to arrive funded. Our guess? A name you know, but not the name you expect."
Could this be Lyle Barnett? If I remember correctly he was possibly in line to jump into Leah's ride at the end of '23. I would imagine he could come up with the funding to run say half the races and like I mentioned when speculating about Jim Head's team that Jim only wants to run a partial schedule and this might work perfectly for both.
Also an interesting nugget, with Salinas/Scrappers possibly buying out Tripp Shumake's operation. Could that be a rent-a-ride situation with the seat being rotated through Shumake, Mike, Pritchett and others.