If I didn't know any better I would think the world was coming to an end after reading some of these posts. This is real simple in my eyes, this rule will keep the PRO's who are full time and chasing the championship from testing more then the 4 times they are allowed and that is a good thing in this economy. Any team who falls into this category and also did a few match races a year will have to schedule accordingly and make sure they have enough tests to do both and not be penalized. Any team who is not full time, the points don't matter since they are racing for $$, pride, & the trophy which the NHRA has already stated they will not penalize (other then points) those teams for racing in the IHRA, so there is no problem for those teams who crossover. I think this is an effective policy to limit testing and save the teams some $$$. Props to the NHRA on making this call. I have a beer at my neighbors calling my name, so I leave on this note, Armageddon isn't here (yet) and there are much bigger problems then this in drag racing.