From Bob Wilbur's blog about the concert:
...."We had fun, though, and when Journey came on the place rocked. Did you know Journey is now touring with a new singer, from the Philippines, whom they discovered via some You Tube clips in which he perfectly emulated their former singer, Steve Perry. It's uncanny, and he is a fine vocalist, but I have to agree with the review in the St. Paul Pioneer-Press today, which said, of Arnel Pineda: "...bouncing around the stage in attire and hairstyle that echo Perry's Carter-administration look, sometimes creepily so. While one can't begrudge the other members of Journey wanting to reconnect with their fan base, there were times Tuesday when Pineda seemed just a little too much of a Perry knock-off, leaving one wondering if it might be more fulfilling to find a singer with a style not quite so nakedly derivative."
yeah, what he said!!