Mousie Marcellus (2 Viewers)

Larry jr.

Nitro Member
Mousie is having some health issues, right now is in the hospital.
He has Pneumonia, but is expected to recover and be home soon.

Trey and I are going to vist Him this afternoon......... He's at Kaiser Hospital Anahiem on the 6th floor.

Keep him in your prayers...............LF
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UPDATE: Between last Thursday and Sunday Mousie made some real progress, but since then his status has remained the same. This has the doctors very concerned and they'll have specialists begin testing in the morning for other possible complications from the illness.
Keep Mousie in your thoughts & prayers.
Here is the latest being reported on Mousie by a longtime friend;

Some of you may be aware and some maynot, but "Mousie" was hospitalized about two weeks ago with severe Bronchitis/Pneumonia, and in a very weak condition. He's been on a variety of anti biotics ever since, and is making some prorgress, but very slow..Talked to him this afternoon...Says he's feeling a little better and is looking forward to getting some of those 'tubes' removed.. Right now, he's still on O2 (Oxygen) and will be until the Drs can get rid of the chest conjestion.. As soon as he gains a little more strength, he'll be released to a local Rehab/Convelescent facility which is pretty close to where he lives..

Said to say "HI" to everyone, and is looking forward to healing up and getting 'back at it'..

Thoughts and prayers go out to him and hopes for a continuing and quick recovery..

Spent some time with Mousie at a couuple of social events prior to the March Meet. He's one cool cat.
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