It's not about being human, it's about being accurate and fair. Please note this QUOTE from John Force in a Sep. 24 press release: “The car pulled in half and I’ve never seen that, ever. A tire came off the car just as I put the parachutes out and it literally pulled the car apart."
Sounds like tire and chassis failure to me--just like Jeff Burk (no "e") suggested. Can he and DRO expect apologies now, or are you guys (and girls) never wrong and slander is just part of the act at NitroMater?
Just wondering (to borrow a phrase),
PS. Sorry to get testy, but we all work very hard and long hours covering this sport and when I see DRO's efforts unjustly denigrated--especially by someone many of you consider an "insider"--it really bugs me.
I understand about being accurate/fair and in the spirit of that statement, have all past statements/stories posted on DRO by Jeff Burk (no “e”) been 100% accurate and if not, is that fair to the readers and/or the subjects of those statements/stories? Has Jeff posted many apologies and/or retractions when the content on DRO was not 100% accurate?
I do not question that the efforts of Jeff Burk and the staff at DRO are laborious, nor do I question their dedication to their careers or their commitment to maintaining the content on DRO. I believe the question is, when reporting, is every effort being made to ensure the accuracy of those statements/stories being posted?
I will not share my answer to the last question, because, in the spirit of fairness, it is a two way street and I will respect your right to be treated fairly and not voice what would only be my opinion, not fact. As for John’s statement, I am not qualified to draw a conclusion as to what the true cause of the accident was. Does Jeff feel he is qualified and that his interpretation of that statement is accurate?
Nitro Mater is not a forum for slander, liable or bashing in general. It is a place where people can share and receive opinions and information about drag racing. You mentioned in a previous post that name calling reminded you of the weatherman. Have you just done the same and become the weatherman? After reading your comment I edited my post (to which you referred) and publically admitted you were correct in your assessment. I ask you Ian, do you truly feel slander is part of the act at NitroMater and the comments of others on this site are just that, an act? Or was that your personal, “Human” opinion inferring a generalization about all who post here?
You see, it is about being human and it is about being fair. We are all human and share a common love for this sport. At times we tend to allow our own opinions stand in the way of being fair to one/another. Fair is, I feel, something that sometimes slips away from us that we can all work a little harder on and maybe, even have a little more understanding about the opinions of others who post here. Don’t worry about the testy thing, I think we have both shown our human side on this thread and testy is just part of being human. Stop by the pit and say hi at your next NHRA event, I'd love to have you join us as my personal guest.