Why would it matter if I am a Bush hater. He can't run again. Dear lord, tell me he cant run again.I can say during previous administrations these airmen seemed to speak out quite loudly with their concerns when asked and I'm not talking about George Bush Sr. either. I'm quite sure today's military personnel know they can openly speak their mind. They must not listen to enough of the liberal media as they unanimously support "W" without reservation when I ask. They also openly speak about the demise of our current military posture should Obama win with his complete absence of military savvy and single term congress experience. I suspect the voters should consider these factors as well but they seem pleased just hear the word "change" without asking "change what?"
Greg, you seem to be quite the Bush hater so I'll ask:
Just what changes are you excited about that Obama proposes? No one has been able to answer this question with any substance. Seems besides openly stated tax increases, nobody really knows what he's changing? Do you?
As for the issues, how about a timetable in Iraq. For starters. Guess who else agrees with that? Iraq.
His tax plan.
His fiscal policy (yes, it will cost more than we are paying now, but not as much as McCains). But guess what, we have a war to pay off.
I am disappointed in his stances on FISA, Telcom immunity, and offshore drilling however.
Oh, and as for your assertion that more troops support McCain than Obama.
Not true. Not even close!!
Obama has received almost 6 times the money from troops abroad than McCain. Hell, Ron Paul has got more money from them, and he suspended his run months ago. That "100 more years in Iraq" line didn't go over well with the troops is my best guess.
Obama, Barack......$60,642...134
Paul, Ron.............$45,512....99
McCain, John........$10,665....26
Huckabee, Mike......$7,950.....10
Thompson, Fred.....$6,350......7
Romney, Mitt.........$5,550......10
Clinton, Hillary........$3,240......6
As for ALL military personnel, same story, although it is a little closer.
Recipient Total Number
Obama, Barack....$335,536......859
McCain, John.......$280,513......558
Paul, Ron............$232,411.......537
Clinton, Hillary.....$167,050.......376
You could look it up here, at open secrets dot com.