Matt Smith - Kidney Stone! (1 Viewer)

The Counterfeiter

Nitro Member
Scoop and both report Matt was taken to the hospital after Saturday qualifying for treatment of a kidney stone. Hopefully, he will be OK, and will be able to race tomorrow. Never had to go through this, but my daughter and son-in-law have - incredibly painful.
Best wishes to Matt for a speedy recovery!
Oh boy is he in for a load of fun. I had one for almost two months, and finally had it removed a few weeks ago. Hopefully he can pass it quick.
I have a very good friend who had a kidney stone attack while driving and his first thought was "what could he run his car into that would kill him immediately?" I suppose that confirms how bad it hurts. Good luck Matt getting this behind you soon.
ST. Josephs hospital in Burbank has a machine that shoots the stone with sound and denigrates it.
In 2005, I got a stone and was unable to attend the Dallas event. I had to have lithotrypsy to break the stone because I couldn't pass it.

Just so you guys know it isn't just as simple as shooting a lazer and breaking it up.

For days you are peeing gravel and blood and then a week later, after they've put a stint in (when they first do the procedure) -- they must go and retrieve it.

They give a local pain killer just to numb a little and the doc takes what is like a pair of pliers and goes in the whacker to get it out. I promise you, you are wide awake and you'll never feel pain like this. The kidney stone was a cakewalk compare to the retrieval of the stint.

When the doctor pulls, it feels like he's pulling your butthole out through the whacker -- just :eek: like turning a pair of socks inside out.

In the last month, I've passed two stones without going to the hospital -- lots of water and even more prayer -- and determination.

I passed one in Sonoma early Saturday morning.

Right now, I've birthed nine of those critters.

Sorry for the graphic description but it is what it is.

In other words, if they do litho -- don't think you'll see him racing tomorrow.
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Dang Bobby!!

Do they have a reason why so many? Is there something to take to avoid them coming on? I've never had anything like that, but I have given birth twice, so..........

With such modern medical technology, one would think they would have a medication to avoid them before they can happen, yes? no? working on it??

Last year at Indy, they had to take Newberry to the Hospital overnight for the same thing.

Best to Matt, he may not feel 100% but rest assured, he'll be there tomorrow.
In 2005, I got a stone and was unable to attend the Dallas event. I had to have lithotrypsy to break the stone because I couldn't pass it.

Just so you guys know it isn't just as simple as shooting a lazer and breaking it up.

For days you are peeing gravel and blood and then a week later, after they've put a stint in (when they first do the procedure) -- they must go and retrieve it.

They give a local pain killer just to numb a little and the doc takes what is like a pair of pliers and goes in the whacker to get it out. I promise you, you are wide awake and you'll never feel pain like this. The kidney stone was a cakewalk compare to the retrieval of the stint.

When the doctor pulls, it feels like he's pulling your butthole out through the whacker -- just :eek: like turning a pair of socks inside out.

In the last month, I've passed two stones without going to the hospital -- lots of water and even more prayer -- and determination.

I passed one in Sonoma early Saturday morning.

Right now, I've birthed nine of those critters.

Sorry for the graphic description but it is what it is.

In other words, if they do litho -- don't think you'll see him racing tomorrow.

Over share! :rolleyes:
I've had them also, not to that extent; I was able to pass them after a shot of morphine and a drug to dissolve it.
The pain is off the charts it's hard to describe but you did a good job of that Bobby.
Thank God it didn't get to that point.
If it's anywhere as bad as appendicitus,whew,i wish him the best. I had an appendectomy back in 06'. Man it was horrible.
If I know Matthew, he'll be out there today winning round after round no matter what! The stone didn't seem to stop him from setting a track record!

Feel better Matt and win yourself another Wally!
In 2005, I got a stone and was unable to attend the Dallas event. I had to have lithotrypsy to break the stone because I couldn't pass it.

Just so you guys know it isn't just as simple as shooting a lazer and breaking it up.

For days you are peeing gravel and blood and then a week later, after they've put a stint in (when they first do the procedure) -- they must go and retrieve it.

They give a local pain killer just to numb a little and the doc takes what is like a pair of pliers and goes in the whacker to get it out. I promise you, you are wide awake and you'll never feel pain like this. The kidney stone was a cakewalk compare to the retrieval of the stint.

When the doctor pulls, it feels like he's pulling your butthole out through the whacker -- just :eek: like turning a pair of socks inside out.

In the last month, I've passed two stones without going to the hospital -- lots of water and even more prayer -- and determination.

I passed one in Sonoma early Saturday morning.

Right now, I've birthed nine of those critters.

Sorry for the graphic description but it is what it is.

In other words, if they do litho -- don't think you'll see him racing tomorrow.

Ouch -that's too much information Bobby!
Had a guy at work go through the same thing. One morning he was rolling around on the floor in pain & nobody could figure out was wrong with him because he was screaming & moaning so much he couldn't even put two words together.
I remember reading (YEARS ago) that the pain (Passing a stone, I suppose) was comparable to childbirth.

My poor brother just went through it and he said it was just awful (and he's generally pretty stoic).
When I saw this I had to chuckle a little. I just went through a kidney stone Thursday. I had no idea what was going on, and tried to drive myself to the hospital. I made it about 3 miles from the shop, and had to pull over and call 911....this the day after my wife went in an ambulance to that same hospital after a car crash. people in the ER recognized us. No fun. To top it off, I appear to have a gall stone as well. good times! I hope Matt can get some relief, I would rather have any of my many injuries over the years than another episode like this!
"it feels like he's pulling your butthole out through the whacker" did it for me Bobby..nasty.

Good luck, Matt.

I'm with Nancy..with today's'd think they could come up with something.
In 2005, I got a stone and was unable to attend the Dallas event. I had to have lithotrypsy to break the stone because I couldn't pass it.
Just so you guys know it isn't just as simple as shooting a lazer and breaking it up.
Lithotripsy requires general anesthesia, not something that you get over in 12 hours. A lithotriptor uses a big "spark plug" looking device to shoot high-intensity acoustic pulses aimed at the stone.
For days you are peeing gravel and blood and then a week later, after they've put a stint in (when they first do the procedure) -- they must go and retrieve it.
They give a local pain killer just to numb a little and the doc takes what is like a pair of pliers and goes in the whacker to get it out. I promise you, you are wide awake and you'll never feel pain like this. The kidney stone was a cakewalk compare to the retrieval of the stint.
The stint(s) I had came with their own retrieval device- a length of suture. Dr. Vise said I could remove it myself after a week. Yea-right-whatever!

When the doctor pulls, it feels like he's pulling your butthole out through the whacker -- just :eek: like turning a pair of socks inside out.
Just don't look down when he does his thing!

In other words, if they do litho -- don't think you'll see him racing tomorrow.
No way!
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