It doesn't even have to be a rule change they are probably working on fixing it right now when something fails and it shouldnt of you figure out why it happened and fix it. Its like Dale Armstrong once said "You find a weak spot here and weak spot there and you look at it and think how can we cure that"
Infact theres an old interview on drag racing online where in the late 80's Dale Armstrong say that he tried a super wide wheel and tire for the purpose of curing tire shake. The interview says it was a 18 inch wide beadlock wheel but nhra banned it and then later let everyone run beadlocks.
Infact theres an old interview on drag racing online where in the late 80's Dale Armstrong say that he tried a super wide wheel and tire for the purpose of curing tire shake. The interview says it was a 18 inch wide beadlock wheel but nhra banned it and then later let everyone run beadlocks.