Of the top 10 team in each pro class maybe 70% are paid employees...I worked w/ Armstrong, Bernstein in the 90's and no one was making over 50,000 dollars a year aside from Geoff and Dale..Guger was paid well but we also received a bonus @ the end of the year..On average about $12,000..But I was w/ a winning car..
Most top shelf teams today have alot of employees/interns who are working for experience/free just to be part of the action..
JFR has sooo many employees and have people that will work for free just to be connected...In fact a first year employee signs a contract stating he will never speak to John for the first season just so Bernie knows this person really wants to be there working and not there to be friends w/ Force..
It would blow most fans away @ how little these guys/girls work for...
If you really know how to do bellhousing maintenance you can make up to $60,000 easily but you'd better be good and quick...