Hilarious new John Force blog (2 Viewers)

Dude, that's some of the funniest schitt I have read in a LONG time.

(At least since NHRA announced the "Countdown" format) :rolleyes:
What's really bad......you can almost imagine John saying things like that, or at least thinking it :D
My brother showed me this earlier this morning. Sadly I've been spending my time crashing through meetings with David getting him ready to be gone for five days. (He left about half an hour ago.) GO MATCO!

I'll admit that it reads like some of my stuff from a couple years ago, but sadly I can't take credit (OK Im lying...I totally could.) But I smell something here...does anyone but me think it sounds an awful lot like John himself? Think someone hired a PR guy to do this or something?

Just my .02 cents. And thanks guys, for assuming that Im funny enough to write that.
the profanity is uncalled for.
especially if this is not the real john
the profanity is uncalled for.
especially if this is not the real john

Awww geee Mike.... If you go to confession and say 3 Hail Marys.. God will forgive you.. also set this page to X rated in case you have children under 21....

I agree the word shi* is uncalled for... Amen Brother...:rolleyes:

I just Re-Read the post... can you please show ME where the swearing is.. ??? I did see the "B" word.. if thats what your referring to.. please stop it as I might be one.. I never met my father... & it hurts my feelings...
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.....something about .....'f_ _ _ _ _g oxygen'...... i believe was the phrase
that caught my attention

ok - it is a funny read:)
That is funny..and what's sad is I can picture Force doing all that..LOL

I like the first one..about being home:

"That's right, I had the morphine button installed in my chair. I've clicked it twice while I was typing thi...."

**crackin up**

That's good stuff..and even mentioned the Mater.
That is some of the funniest shite I've read in a long time.

I can totally see John pulling all that stuff, which makes it even funnier.

A couple of people pointed at me in the window, and started laughing. I looked down to realize I was only wearing an undershirt, and my .......... .......... was hanging out under the shirt trying to get a peek at all the action.

Best line EVER! :eek:
Whoever is writing that is hilarious!
(For some reason I don't picture John Force as the blogging type)
Far frickin out... I could picture the girls penning that... or a least Princess and Danny... naaaa

Guido and Hopsing....

Mike and Robert....




Bill Stevens?

Me and RG jr?:eek:

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