Health risks and Nitromethane? (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Aug 7, 2006
Lee's Summit, MO
Does anybody know of any concrete proof that Nitromethane (liquid form), or the burning of nitro (gases/fumes) cause heath problems or concerns?

I have heard everything from cancer to liver problems and I tend to believe that it's all stuff that people have made up in their minds that it's bad for you since it is so hard on your senses.

I used to work on a Nitro Funny Car for a few years, never wore a gas mask, and have never experienced any side effects.

What do you all think?
Geee.....I would have to say that anything that smells like nitro, burns your eyes, nose, and throat, is probably NOT the best stuff in the world for you over a length of time. But damn, it's cool stuff!!!
I just did a quick search and found this:

Chemical Sampling Information: Nitromethane

Potential symptoms: Dermatitis; irritation eyes, respiratory system, cough, sore throat; headache, drowsiness; nausea, vomiting; unconsciousness; sensorimotor polyneuropathy (2 cases reported);in animals: convulsions; liver damage; degeneration of olfactory and respiratory epithelium; sciatic nerve degeneration, hindlimb paralysis.

So it looks like it has been tested on animals, but not confirmed in humans? :confused:
Doesn't it cause excessive loss of money, increased ego and decrease in social skills with marital partners?
If Nitromethane had any severe health risks, you can bet we'd be able to tell by looking at Prudhomme, Connie K, Ed McCullough and Dan Olson! They've been around it for 40 years! ;)
My wife says that it has caused me a tremendous amount of daydreaming during work hours, excessive doodling of roll cages, blower scoops and zoomie pipes, a distorted sense of what my life's goals should be, and a hightened level of immaturity when I find out the newest edition of Drag Racer is in the mailbox. :D
It has been clinically proven to cause partially detatched retnias as well!
There is no cure for Nitro addiction.
Tell your Doctor if you are planning to attend a nitro drag race.
Ask you Doctor if you are healthy enough to smell nitro.

Certain people should not smell Nitro, including those suffering from mild to severe boredom associated with astonomically large bank account balances and a deep love for auto racing.

Nitro may cause a drastic rise in blood pressure upon spinning the starter.

Talk to your Doctor about smelling nitro if you are a NASCAR fan.

Those experiencing severe nitro depression should contact thier nearest NHRA Powerade race track immediately.
You could also use words from Viagra and Cialis commercials! :D
I get sicker than s--t if I don't get my annual dose of nitro.

And looky there! 401 posts, what do I win?
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I get sicker than s--t if I don't get my annual does of nitro.

And looky there! 401 posts, what do I win?

Sorry, you get NOTHING!!!!!:D I hit 1000, and PJ informed me that the number for Mater Cred is constantly changing, and to assume I am always 10 posts away. Keep at it Bob....:D
Do you think the risks have disappeared since then?

In the last 40 years the only effect Nitro has had on me is to my hearing, and that was caused in the first 8. My breathing 'problem' comes from the 2 packs a day over the same 40 years.

Okay, maybe that I still weight the same 145 pounds that I did at thirteen could be caused by the go fast fuel and maybe my warped sense of humor... but my memory is as good.... were was I going with that last sentence????? :eek:

it's all mike's grandpa's fault:D
Just last yr at E Town when they were starting the Fuel cars, some kid in his "Hip Hop" baggy ass pants, with his hat on sideways etc. etc..and his girlfriend (I assume) she had 5 or 6 studs in her ear, nose, and a ring through her eyebrow...

Anyway they PUSHED their way to the front of the crowed near the Capps FC ...

Well when the car started the wind was blowing in OUR direction...a few people moved right away.. however Mr. Macho, & he main "squeeze" thought they could stick it out...

Well I stood aside and watched both of them puke their guts out, and LMAO :D That alone was worth the price of admission!

Also another thing that really bothers me... WHY THE FU** do people wear WW2 gas masks, double ear protection, and a towel around their neck to get up "Close & Personal" with a Fuel car thats starting up if they CANT hear it smell it or FEEL it.. may as well look at a photo with a caption saying Brrrrrattt....Brrrratttt and it would be the same :(

I do not run from Fuel car to Fuel car to OD on Nitro but I do like to get a good HIT or 2 during an event!
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