Nitro Member
You didn't hear John Madden calling the NBA Finals last night did you? Although that might have been entertaining on it's own....or you don't have Troy Aikman in the Basketball booth. You don't put Dan Marino on the Baseball Tonight team. I disagree with any assesments that there isn't a drag racing announcer with drag racing experience ready for TV...
Now John Madden calling drag racing, that would be something...I did a joke about this thought a while back...went something like..
Well you got all these guys running around the car, you got the crew chief guy over here turning knobs on the motor, crew chief moves up pulls his guy in the driver is sitting in there thinking about a cold beer at the end of the day, then BOOM, he's gone, 330 mph. I tell you Mike, I don't think the bus is ever going to go that fast.
During an oil down he starts circling guys in the stands...
See this guy over here...That's a real deal turkey leg he's chewin on....
Now John Madden calling drag racing, that would be something...I did a joke about this thought a while back...went something like..
Well you got all these guys running around the car, you got the crew chief guy over here turning knobs on the motor, crew chief moves up pulls his guy in the driver is sitting in there thinking about a cold beer at the end of the day, then BOOM, he's gone, 330 mph. I tell you Mike, I don't think the bus is ever going to go that fast.
During an oil down he starts circling guys in the stands...
See this guy over here...That's a real deal turkey leg he's chewin on....