I realize that, I was just pointing out that the Arana's avreage performance is competitive to the Harley's based on runs in the same conditions. Whether the Buells are hurting parts on every run and the Harleys are cruising is irrelevant to my post. Also, in response to the notion that Matt is "tuning" the Harleys to run just quick enough to beat the Buells, how many of you have ever tried to dial a car/bike to the hundredth of a second on a wide open run? I have, and it's not as easy as just saying "I'm going to run a 9.910" and then go do it. You can have data running out your butt, but there are always variables that you can't predict (i.e. cloud cover, wind gusts, oil downs).
I agree that the Harley should be made available to whom ever wants, and can afford, to run one. It looks as if the NHRA brass are Harley-Davidson's ho's and are doing what they are told to keep the money coming in. It's not right, but what are you going to do? All bikes other than the Harley's boycott a race? What does that do to the NHRA? Nothing!! The pro classes don't pay any kind of entry fee so there will be no income loss, just less teams for them to park. The teams that sit out are the ones that get hurt, along with their fans and sponsors. It's not a good situation for anyone involved, other than the ones getting the big checks from Harley that is. It's not even a good situation for Andrew and Eddie, they are being ridiculed and accused of cheating just because they are playing within the rules they are given. People are saying that their wins and championships are tainted. How many of you, if given the same opportunity, would look NHRA and Harley in the eyes and say "this is unfair to my competition, I refuse to race under these rules"? I would bet absolutely none of you would. Having a chance to win a Wally and a Championship would make your guilty conscience disappear pretty quickly. Just saying!