Nitro Member
Congrats on a Father's Day win!!!
I didn't get the Gatsby analogy ... But it is cool to see John win. Hopefully Zippy can keep the party rolling.
He used the Gatsby thing a couple times Sunday.
He musta' just seen the movie.
(Said it had something to do with an old guy's comback<I didn't see it that way - maybe that's how it went in the book><GGG>).
I didn't hear John's quip, but I am guessing from the comments the line was something like this: "There are no second chances or no second acts". Which isn't in The Great Gatsby, but it is, however, a quote from the book's author, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Well, apparently, old Fitzgerald was wrong!
Yeah, I caught John's Gatsby schtick on the broadcast Sunday...he's coming back like Gatsby...He DOES know what happens to Gatsby at the end of the book, doesn't he? Kind of a weird analogy for a comeback if you ask me...
Everything he says is weird
True...and that's just another reason he's so well regarded.
Everything he says is weird
Why the hate on Force. He has always been very complimentary of your boy Hagen. Have fun rooting for the 1X champ.