Happy Birthday Ron Dunlap! (1 Viewer)


It was great to see you at the house, and to chat with ya! Sorry I head my head buried in a dang computer build, but hopefully next time we'll get to chat some more.

Have a great day!
Hey Ron,
Why didn't you tell us your birthday was so close. You know we would have had cake and ice cream and we'd have even sung to you. OK, I think I'm beginning to see why you didn't tell us now?

Thanks for the visit! We really enjoyed meeting you.
The entire Miller Family!
Thanks all! 42 big ones. I guess I'm old now. :D

Don't speak too soon, Bobby. I'm keeping my eye out for a round trip to Phoenix and back! Might be bringing some Jersey with me next time for the sake of cultural diversification. I'm sure we'll have no problem finding her a diner that serves scrapple and Taylor ham. :)

Correction! I've just been informed that someone has their OWN Taylor ham in the freezer! Might be bringing more Jersey with me than I even thought!
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Happy belated birthday Ron, sorry I missed you this weekend, I left my phone in the trailblazer and didn't get your message till' monday, I work days now so maybe next time through we can get together for supper.
Happy belated birthday Ron, sorry I missed you this weekend, I left my phone in the trailblazer and didn't get your message till' monday, I work days now so maybe next time through we can get together for supper.

I figured you just saw that I was making my rounds out that way and knew better than to answer it! :D We WILL get to that place for ribs someday. I keep forgetting, what's the name of it again? They had a website, didn't they?

LOL, I'm just waiting to be able to take some of you to Shirley's for some payback! Shirley's Restaurant - Good Old Home Cookin'
Happy Birthday you old fart:D
If you ever get yer a$$ over this way I will take you to the best Denny's this side of Pluto!:D
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