if it does not get too cold.. look for a "triple nickle" number one shot!!!
We were scheduled to race against O'Bannon in the last session but decided to head back to the pits after the huge oildown in our (left) lane.
According to my temp gun the track temp dropped below 64 degrees during the cleanup (which started at 100 feet and went all the way past the finish line) so we took the advice of Jay Payne who was with us in the staging lanes and decided to go have dinner instead.
Thanks for the kuddo's. I hope we can go some rounds this weekend!
We shook our brains out first round against Moats and then discovered a broken main cap after the run. Tomoorow we will have a new bullet in the car.
Ferro vs. Oliver Round 3
Ferro .110 5.531 258.12
Oliver .056 5.567 257.24
Hole shot win by .0185. On to the finals.