Brings back memories of the "Brainerd International Mud Pit" over between the first and second turns. For the first few years before they shut it down in, I think, '88, I swear as many people came to the track for that as much as for the drag racing. I think the track management tolerated it because it kept the fans busy until sundown at least. There were lots of stories and legends about people getting their car or truck permanently mired in there, and suffering severe damage when pulled out, including a new Trans Am from a story someone told me. The last year I saw it in operation, there was someone who brought in an old military 6 X 6. He got it mired so deep, they needed to get a commercial unit to winch it out, It left the front axle in the mud when they pulled it out. I'm pretty certain I got pictures of that, and will see if I can find them.
Saw a nearly new Toyota Supra get torched. Burnt to a crisp. Was nary a sign that had happened the next day.
I remember walking up to our seats in the stands, going by guys in the grandstands near the finish line. It was noon, they had their keg in the stands in a garbage can with ice, and a couple of them were already passed out.
I remember the Top Alcohol Camp. They're the ones who had an old school bus for a camper, and an entertainment system set up in a trailer, right? They played a lot of Diamond P videos, and even got on one of the shows, if it's the one I'm thinking of. I visited and did sign their guest book. Wonder if they still have it?
Still have my souvenir jacket from Northstar Nats #1. It's in halfway decent shape. I'll try and get a picture of it tonight and post it.
I also remember an incident from the first year of the "professional" security squad. This was the year after the infamous T-shirt contest. '89 I believe. They got pretty serious about profanity in the stands (Amongst other things.) because NHRA was NOT happy about the way things had gone the previous year. (Things were even starting to get a bit out of hand for my tastes. Trust me, that's saying something.) Anyhoo, we were in reserved seats on the spectator side. There were a group of guys from Canada, about 6 of 'em I think. On the first session of pro qualifying, they were already half in the bag and started up the "SHOW YOUR T*%S!!!!!" chant, sign and all. They carried on for about 10 minutes or so. Then one of the new (now armed) security people showed up who told them they couldn't do that anymore, and that they had to knock it off. (These guys were about 3 rows behind us.) He was met with a stream of curses and invectives like I hadn't heard for some time. A stevedore would have stood in reverent silence. Security guy says "Last warning gentlemen, no more chances." More cursing and insults. He shrugged his shoulders and left. By this time, these guys were completely full of themselves. "Hah! We showed him! They can't tell us what to do. Ran his a&% outa here!!" They started up "the chant" again. 5 minutes later, the security guard shows up again, only this time he's got about 5 other guards in tow, and all of a sudden, the guys from Canada get REAL quiet and tried melting into the grandstands. Guards came up the stairs and the first guard starts pointing and says "You, you, you, you, you aaaaaaannnnd you, let's go! You're outa here!" They protested, but started moving. They weren't happy and complained mightily. They were gone. For good. We never saw them again, and everyone in the area had more space to sit in. Strangely enough, I never heard "the chant" for the rest of the weekend.