Final Hours Of Freedom? :) (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Jul 8, 2006
... in a matter of speaking, at least. After 46 years, 364 days of sometimes-blissful bachelorhood, I'm getting married tomorrow! For those of you that have met my fiance, CharLisa (Charlie) you already understand that I'm getting the better part of the deal by a landslide. Although I haven't been posting a great deal as of late I've made many great friends via this joint and thought I'd better clue everybody in lest I suffer the consequences later for not announcing.

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me...

... in a matter of speaking, at least. After 46 years, 364 days of sometimes-blissful bachelorhood, I'm getting married tomorrow! For those of you that have met my fiance, CharLisa (Charlie) you already understand that I'm getting the better part of the deal by a landslide. Although I haven't been posting a great deal as of late I've made many great friends via this joint and thought I'd better clue everybody in lest I suffer the consequences later for not announcing.

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me...


Congratulations! Good Luck!
... in a matter of speaking, at least. After 46 years, 364 days of sometimes-blissful bachelorhood, I'm getting married tomorrow! For those of you that have met my fiance, CharLisa (Charlie) you already understand that I'm getting the better part of the deal by a landslide. Although I haven't been posting a great deal as of late I've made many great friends via this joint and thought I'd better clue everybody in lest I suffer the consequences later for not announcing.

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me...


Congrats Tom, from one "okie to another" Enjoy!!!!:D
Congrats, Tom!

And best of luck! Ain't nothing better than havin' a great lady, recognizing same, and tying the knot.

From one Texan who doesn't hold Okies in bad regard, except during the Red River Shootout (can we still say that?)... :D
I have met Charlie ... and Tom is right ... he is getting the good end of the deal by a bunch! Just kidding ya Tom, you are not such a bad guy yourself.

Congrats again Tom and here's to many years of wedded bliss!
Quick......Before it's to late..........


Sorry, was that out loud? I meant congrats and the best of luck,

(I think)

Unk told me that marriage is a wonderful institution, he's just not sure some people were meant to be institutionalized.
After 39 years of marriage and six little kiddies, I'm prepared to say this could be the best decision you could ever make. Having a best friend near makes all the difference in the world. Tough times are easier together and great times are much better with someone to share them with.

It was easily the best decision I've ever made and I've been fortunate to have made an awful lot of very good decisions in my life.

now, here's my advice for success:

"You prayed to marry the one you loved, now pray to love the one you married!"

Tom, you and Charlie are always welcome at the Miller Hotel!
Congrats Tom! Hope you two have a very happy life together. So, are you taking her to Topeka for the honeymoon?:D (That was a good time with you last year at Heartland Park).
Gee, where have I been?

Tom, Congrats to you and Charlie... Remember the Words you speak to each other, under The Eyes of God. Hold them in your Heart, do your best to be True to them Daily.

And if you find you are EVER right in an argument.... APOLOGIZE Immediately.

Blessed Be

Karl... & Kat
Thanks again, everyone... I really am a lucky guy. We had a nice little ceremony at my folk's house with about 30 of our friends, family, and the Methodist minister. I'm happy to say that everything went swimmingly well, we managed to dodge rain, hail, and tornados all day!

I'm taking her to Paris on Friday for a few days (okay, it's just the hotel in Vegas), but we may have to make a little side trip to Phoenix! :)

Jenn - There are those that think perhaps it's Unk that should be institutionalized.

Chris - Agreed, it was a blast but not high on the list for a honeymoon, lol!

Alan - Sounds like you're speaking from experience?
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