Epping commentary (2 Viewers)

J. S.

Nitro Member
Good to see they moved the first round of TF and FC qualifying up to avoid the rainy afternoon forecast. But boy, it sure was an underwhelming session. It's hard to believe that with the track presumably prepared the same at all NHRA National Events, that you get to Epping and few cars are able to get down the track with a good run.
Good to see they moved the first round of TF and FC qualifying up to avoid the rainy afternoon forecast. But boy, it sure was an underwhelming session. It's hard to believe that with the track presumably prepared the same at all NHRA National Events, that you get to Epping and few cars are able to get down the track with a good run.
The fact that it was 92 degrees outside with a track temp of 135 had a lot more to do with that than track prep
The fact that it was 92 degrees outside with a track temp of 135 had a lot more to do with that than track prep
According to Drag Race Central, the air temp was 83 degrees for both TF and FC Qualifying. But they do show a track temp of 134.
ok, maybe its me but Those Gazoo funny car bodies are the ugliest cars since the Bernstein batmobile and whatever that thing Jim Head had back in the mid eighties !!:p
After a rain delay this morning, NHRA has called SST to the lanes at 11:30am local time.

here is the current track weather: https://airdensityonline.com/track-results/New_England_Dragway/

Current weather* for​

New England Dragway​


in Epping, New Hampshire​

  • temperature = 49.5 deg f
  • relative humidity = 79 %
  • uncorrected barometer* = 29.99 inHg
  • corrected barometer* = 30.12 inHg
  • wind speed = 9.4 mph
  • wind direction* = NE (20°)
  • more info: current metric | historical | forecast | help
  • dew point = 43 deg f
  • saturation pressure = 0.356 inHg
  • vapor pressure = 0.281 inHg
  • grains = 41.2
  • air density (w/o water vapor) = 102%
  • air density (w water vapor) = 101%
  • density altitude = -456.42 ft

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Ron's Fuel Injection: cost-effective mechanical fuel injection

Powered by Weather API
Updated June 3, 2023, 12:00 pm
Antron and Langdon made pretty good runs in Q2.
But those were the only two.
💩 show. Excuse my emoji language.

Pro mods could be the stars of the show this weekend. But I think race day will be better for the fuel cars.

Edit: Scratch that last sentence.
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should be fun to watch tomorrow. Ladders are all upside down. Another good day to see upsets.
Bad for the track and obviously the fans. They should all get free qualifying tickets for next year. And Sunday, forecast is 49 degrees at 10am. Might as well just save the parts and draw the winner from a barrel.
Looking at the ladder for tomorrow, I see they've only got 14 Funny Cars on there and no Mike Smith. Which would make sense, since he only brought the car to the line once and didn't end up making the run. But I thought they announced a rule change earlier this year where if there's a short field, even if you didn't make a run in qualifying they'll still put you on the ladder and let you come up and take a whack at it. Anybody who's there or knows more than I do know if they'll let him race tomorrow? (or Monday, or Tuesday, or whenever they end up running this deal)
This race should have been postponed. They knew it was going to be upper 40s and cloudy; can't have any semblance of a nitro show, or ProMod either, in those kind of conditions.
According to Drag Race Central, the air temp was 83 degrees for both TF and FC Qualifying. But they do show a track temp of 134.
Air temp is one thing, but direct sunlight is what affects the track. You can have 135 degree track and if a cloud blocks the sun, the track can drop 3-4 degrees or n a matter of minutes.

Think of being outside on a clear, 80 degree day with direct sunlight…you can get a sunburn.

Air temp does not correlate to track temps
While professional qualifying was very underwhelming I have a feeling today's eliminations are going to be very wild and very whacky. I just hope everyone is safe out there today.
If they can get the race in today, it is going to be crazy. Not sure if I would be crazy enough to drive a Pro Mod or any other high horsepower non nitro car today. The air temp won’t be more than 50 degrees I don’t think the track temp will reach 80 degrees.
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