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Dyno Don's stolen 62 Bel Air...

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I really don't know what to think of all this. I suppose it's like anything else, where the truth lies somewhere between the two sides.

Back when I was working for Mark Pawuk, he contracted his entire racing operation to Dave Butner. Butner was renting a space in a Yorba Linda industrial park not too far from where the Acura dealership that turned into John Force's headquarters was located.

Butner and Gregg Davis had divided the space between them. There was a single bay on Butner's side with the dyno next to it. Squeezed into the space near the dyno was Davis's shop.

I got to know him fairly well and thought he was a pretty good guy. At that time, he was specializing in Ford stuff and he and Dyno seemed to be more friends than anything - meaning there didn't appear to be any sort of employer-employee or any other type of financial relationship. Somehow I seem to remember that Dyno was using Gregg's trailer, but I have to admit I am not entirely certain of that. This was during the time when Nicholson was getting his first Pro Mod style Bel Air together.

Dyno would stop in just to BS or sometimes to get parts fixed. Like I said, it seemed like a friendship deal as Gregg would drop everything when Dyno needed anything. The car, if it was even finished then, wasn't stored there and I'm not sure where it would have gone if it had. Butner had an overflow space across the alley but I don't remember if Davis had one too.

That said, who knows what has happened in the years since. I hesitated on adding to the thread because I have no direct knowledge of what the arrangement actually was between the two men. However, I really thought that some information regarding Davis from someone who knew him might add to the discussion.

I remember Gregg's business was not that good and that he was working hard to establish himself as a builder of sheet metal intakes. He did very good work and the manifolds were jewelry but we never used one so I have no idea if they worked or not.

The last time I talked to him, he was really depressed. He had put most of his remaining assets into a Ford engine trying to get a foot in the door with Robbie Gordon, who at that time was pretty much 100% off road racing.

They put it into one of Gordon's trucks and went out to the desert to test. At some time during the test, the engine started making noise. Instead of shutting if off and contacting the chase truck, Gordon just laughed and kept the hammer down.

By the time he was done, the motor had grenaded with only one head and the intake being usable and they still had to contact the chase truck.

So anyhow, back in 1995 or so, I thought Davis was a good guy who needed a break. I haven't talked to him since then so take your choice on whose story to believe.
That said, who knows what has happened in the years since. I hesitated on adding to the thread because I have no direct knowledge of what the arrangement actually was between the two men. However, I really thought that some information regarding Davis from someone who knew him might add to the discussion.

Do you think that your knowledge of him is better then that of Dyno's family?

Apparently Don trusted him enough at one time, to store the car with him in lieu of payments being made on a loan he gave Davis. However, after Dyno died and the family tried to get the car and trailer back, this is what transpired.

Since posting this thread, yours is the absolute only positive thing I've heard about the guy. He seems to have quite a negative reputation among most people in the business.
Do you think that your knowledge of him is better then that of Dyno's family?

Apparently Don trusted him enough at one time, to store the car with him in lieu of payments being made on a loan he gave Davis. However, after Dyno died and the family tried to get the car and trailer back, this is what transpired.

Since posting this thread, yours is the absolute only positive thing I've heard about the guy. He seems to have quite a negative reputation among most people in the business.

Jackee, I wasn't picking a fight. I just added my honest opinion that he was a decent guy WHEN I KNEW HIM and added the caveat that I had no idea as to what kind of arrangement the two had made or if Davis had changed over the years. I'm sorry if you take exception to that.

Those who have had direct dealings with him which turned out badly are certainly welcome to add their experience to the discussion if they deem it necessary.

You say "most people in the business" have a negative view of Davis. I've never discussed him with anyone in the business that I can remember so all I have to go on is what I experienced directly. Though reputations are surely gained and lost for good reason, I've learned a long time ago not to automatically accept "everybody knows" assessments.

Again, I apologize if I ruffled your feathers. I certainly wasn't trying to take sides in the issue as I only have first hand knowledge of a very small part of it. I thought I was being very careful to add information without showing any bias or manipulating of the facts.
Dan you certainly don't need defending but I understood you to be speaking from YOUR experience. Nor did I see that as a defense, only a commentary on your direct experience with the person in question.
People fall on hard times, and possibly that is where Greg Davis finds or found himself, and he must be desperate if he and/or friends are doing what they are doing to mess with Dyno Don's family over his last race car. How horrible to have to see this played out in such an ugly fight.
Jackee, I wasn't picking a fight. I just added my honest opinion that he was a decent guy WHEN I KNEW HIM and added the caveat that I had no idea as to what kind of arrangement the two had made or if Davis had changed over the years. I'm sorry if you take exception to that.

Those who have had direct dealings with him which turned out badly are certainly welcome to add their experience to the discussion if they deem it necessary.

You say "most people in the business" have a negative view of Davis. I've never discussed him with anyone in the business that I can remember so all I have to go on is what I experienced directly. Though reputations are surely gained and lost for good reason, I've learned a long time ago not to automatically accept "everybody knows" assessments.

Again, I apologize if I ruffled your feathers. I certainly wasn't trying to take sides in the issue as I only have first hand knowledge of a very small part of it. I thought I was being very careful to add information without showing any bias or manipulating of the facts.

Not really taking it as "picking a fight" Dan. I was asked to post this message by the daughter of someone for whom I've had the greatest amount of respect and admiration, not just as a fellow competitor back then, but as a human being as well. I did this for Dyno's memory. Period. This was his last car, all of the others were sold. With his passing, the car belongs to his family and I am not going to stand in judgement of that reality.

As for people 'in the business'..... I have reconnected with a lot of "old friends" in drag racing, as well as having made some new ones.... none have had anything positive to say about the guy. I don't believe that the people with whom I've spoken, and everyone would know them, have any reason to lie. If he has nothing to hide, then he should come forward and deal with this situation like a man, instead of hiding the car and himself.

End of story.
Well I am here and this is pretty unbelievable. Thanks to all of you for supporting my father. Now for the true side of the story.
Those of you that knew my father well knew he didn't believe in drinking, smoking or drugs (never allowed a can of beer in our household and passed up a $250,000 sponcership from Coors Light in the 70s). Nuf said about that....most of you same people know that since I was big enough to walk and talk I lived every moment I could at the racetrack with my Daddy. Even dated a few racers over the years who were well aware of the relationship I had with my father. Especially the one known as the "California Flash". Anyway, the statements in the article are true and may I add that I thought that Greg Davis was a good guy and that is why I have let this thing go this far in the first place. My Dad took Greg on the road with him when his business was failing and introduced him to the Drag Racing community in hopes of generating business for Greg. Greg did alot of things for my Dad over the as my Dad did for Greg Davis and I always thought he was a nice guy. So what happened?????? From what I have heard from numerous racers and others that know him he let acohol take over his life the past few years. I really had no idea until the last 2 weeks of people calling and writing to me what a drunk he has become and I pray for him. I know that is a cross to bere and it changes people. However, not one of these people with "the other side of the story" has came to myself or any of my family to shed some light on what they are talking about. The bottom line is Greg Davis is running and hiding from me. Why???? Does a honest man have anything to hide? He told me personally in Feb in front of others that he knew the car was mine and he had no intention of taking it. He just neede a couple of weeks to get some time off work to come and meet me in CA to pick up the car. Guess what? I called and he never called back. And as far as the car being in a museum, that is exactly where my family would like to see it. The loss of my father was the most devastating thing I have had to deal with in my life. He was not only a great racer but the best Dad and Grandpa in the world. Those of you that knew him knew he would give you the shirt off his back without ever questioning why. He taught me more principles about life in a year than most people learn in a lifetime. Most of all he taught me how to be happy without the use of drugs or acohol. I know if he were here today he would be trying to keep Greg on the right track just as he did Earl Wade. But those of you that don't know us (Dyno's family) talk to someone that knew him well and ask them how he felt about his family. I kept this whole thing quiet as long as I could to save my Dad's name from any scandel. However, when the car showed up on Ebay for sale close friends and family insisted I address my Drag Racing family for help. And I appreciate any effort each and everyone of you have put towards this. So here is the update you asked for. Greg Davis moved from his father's house in Las Vegas, NV to a Nudist Camp in Devore, CA where he lives in a late 60s Winnebago motorhome, yard trashed and filled with dog poop. Yeah, you get the picture! If you would like to check the place out he lives in space F2 at the Deer Park Nudist Camp in Devore, CA. However, he is currently not there because he is still hiding from me so he has traded cars with a friend by the name of Dan Calef who lives in Norco, CA. Hummmm, why would Greg want to trade cars with someone? Maybe to avoid me? If he has the right to this car and trailer why doesn't he step up to the plate and talk about it. How did I find him? Seems some of the members of the Nudist camp think Greg Davis is a liar and a drunk. Not my words but theres. Oh and I forgot to mention that when I returned home this week after my kids shipped me out of town fearing for my safety, my front door was bashed in. Yes, we made a police report. And BTW, I do have a living will and trust from my father giving me the race, truck and trailer. Unfortunately law enforecment says that's "a civil matter", they don't read wills. But this will was written in 2001 and notorized shortly after my Mom passed away. It could of been ammended at anytime so had my Dad wanted Greg to have the race car and trailer don't you think he would of said that? OK, those are the FACTS directly from the horses mouth. If you have something to say to me or ask me that I didn't cover don't hesitate to email me at [email protected] or right here on the forum. I have nothing to hide. I was very proud of my Dad and I am also proud of the person he helped make me. Please say a prayer for Greg Davis and then one for me. Cindy P.S. I'm really not completely broke and i have no intention of selling this car once I get it back.
I don't know much about your father but he sounds like an amazing racer who really stood by what believed in , to turn down a $250,000 sponsorship deal would take alot of faith in what you believe in . I hope you find the car and I hope it ends up in a good museum where I think it should be so that others can see it and learn its history .
........... to turn down a $250,000 sponsorship deal would take alot of faith in what you believe in.

You probably have no idea how much a quarter of a million dollars represented to a racer during that period William, but it would be like someone getting a multimillion dollar offer today. As fellow competitors of Don's back then, I can tell you first hand how much respect this man had, not only among his fans, but also among his peers.

One of the most difficult things for a human being to do in his or her life, is to pray for someone who has wronged us. But it's the right thing to do. My prayers are joined with the Nicholson family's for this issue to be properly resolved, for everyone concerned.
True Dyno Don Story. I was working the tower at Capital in Maryland and Dyno came up into the tower as he was there for a match race. Very nice person and he was always one of my idols.

Anyway I asked him if later when it quieted down could I come by for a handout photo. He said sure and turned and left. I was really excited.

A few minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. Who is standing there, but Dyno himself. He has his hand extended out with an autographed handout photo for me [ lost it in a divorce, damn it ]. He had taken it upon himself to go all the way out to his trailer in the back part of the pits, get a handout photo, autgraph it for me and bring it back. To say I was blow away was an understatement. I'm sure I made a real good impression with my mouth hanging open.

Cindy your father was one hell of a man on many levels.

I still occasionally wear my Dyno Don 409 Impala shirt with "Dyno Don" autograph that he signed for me a few years ago at the World Series in Cordova. I still remember how gracious and friendly he was to me that day and how he signed it with a big smile. :cool: I wish I had another one because I'm afraid of something happening to this one.
Well now I can just see a bunch of drag racers invading a nudist colony under the guise of looking for an old race car:D

I I wish I had another one because I'm afraid of something happening to this one.

Here's a way to preserve a treasured keepsake.

Get a 'shadow box' picture frame big enough to display the main part of the shirt and signature (if possible) by carefully folding it. Of course, wearing is is better, but if your concern is something happening to it, this is a way to preserve it.
Larest update. Greg Davis returned my husbands call today and said he was going to see his attorney and would do as the attorney advised him. I have also spoke with an attorney and was advised that you cannot charge someone storage fees in CA unless you have a business license and a storage lot. He also advised that teh promisory note is currently worth over $43,000 based on the interest it says in the note. The note also says you have the right to recover any costs such as court costs and attorney fees to recover the money. If anyone out there can give me an estimate of what monthly storage might be for a 42 ft trailer it would be much appreciated. You can email me at [email protected]. Please say a prayer that this can be settled.
Well, at least the news is more encouraging than it has been.

Sure hope you can get this can of worms worked out and get your car back Cindy.

Good luck and thank you for the update.
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