Drill Here, Drill Now….pay Less (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Jul 9, 2006
Regardless of your politics…
Regardless of your position on alternative energy…

You must admit that we will need Oil for sometime to come.
Would you like for oil to be cheaper?
Would you like to stop depending so much on OPEC for crude?
Would you like for oil to be cheaper?

Then, we must begin exploring off the coast line…
We must begin extracting crude from shade rock…
We must begin to drill in ANWAR….

Visit American Solutions for Winning the Future and sign the petition.

This IS NOT political and even if one day you would like to see Crude eliminated completely, you know we need crude now.

we need to use our own, cheaper crude.

Imagine how little traffic will be on the roads when gas goes to $25 a gallon. :p

Because $4 per gallon hasn't seemed to slow anyone down. :eek:
I'll ask again -- why not drill in the 85% of existing US oil leases that are unexplored and untouched before we defile the rest of the planet?

As another poster pointed out, in the US it's far less about drilling than it is refining. I'm all for finding creative ways to relax restrictions that are preventing companies from building new refineries.

And this is very political -- should be in the Politics room.
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Why do you think gas will be cheaper if we drill in the US?
because the western oil companies have the capital and expertise
and there's proven oil reserves rite here in our country that equal or exceed
reserves in saudi arabia.
the combination of those two factors, in conjunction with expanded
refining capabilities would greatly increase the world supply of oil and it's
byproducts, theoretically lowering energy prices.

......regarding first post: shale rock, not shade rock.
actually rite now i wish i had a nice shade rock to take a nap under;)
Hello Washington ! Are you stuck on stupid !
The correct answer is D. all of the above.

The question is : which energy source should we go after.

A. drill for more oil in more places.

B .Nuclear the cleanest air and emissions wise.

c. The others are alternative power sourses, Coal and wind generation , burning food for energy, solar, hydro electric, hydrogen, wave action, Geothermal.

Only in DC you can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

The dummies act like they are doing us a favor cutting our legs out from under us.

Lord give me strength !
Supply and demand ! We show an effort to remedy the problem going back to 1975 and the market will respond.
We have proven reserves and the technology to get even more cleanly.

We can't do squat if we crater our economy by allowing our treasury to transfer to foreign oil producers.
And this is very political -- should be in the Politics room.

Yes, it is political that Congress has to vote to allow it, but let me ask you this.
Cheaper fuel would not only would fuel be cheaper, but all goods and services would be cheaper.
Cheaper fuel, cheaper food, cheaper clothes, cheaper nails from the hardware store, cheaper laundry detergent…would benefit everyone…..rich, poor, conservative, liberal, religious, atheists, gay, straight, male, female…etc. etc. etc.

This is no different than someone posting in the Lounge complaining about the price of concert tickets and what could be done about it…..actually,it is different…cheaper gas would help a lot more people than cheaper concert tickets
All good, Don, but it's headed by Newt Gingrich, hardly the example of non-partisanship. And from the FAQ on their web site, American Solutions is a political association and registered as such with the IRS... hmmm...

PS -- gee you look a lot like Larry Dixon ;)
Why do you think gas will be cheaper if we drill in the US?

Basic home economics. Have you checked on the cost of shipping lately? Airlines ship people and have added fuel surcharges, weight surcharges on baggage and excess baggage surcharges on checked baggage. Post office stamps and other postal rates have gone up, although in the US we do still pay less than in other countries. Have you process the cost of shipping a box? I have a niece in Wisconsin and I live in Texas, the last box I shipped to her cost over $30.00 and it was half the weight of the last one I shipped. My sister in law shipped a box from Thailand, 25#'s cost over $100.00, US. What do you think shipping fuel costs?

***Have done a little homework and am reversing my thoughts on the price decreasing. Hate being cynical about it, but even if costs are reduced, it is unlikely those savings would be passed on to the consumer. Big business is in the business of money and damned if the little person matters.
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I agree that the cost of fuel has driven the cost of just about everything else up but I'm just not so sure that the oil companies will lower the price of gas because they can buy oil cheaper. OIl companies are public companies and it is the CEO's job to make as much profit as they can for the shareholders. That to is basic home economics.
The price of oil on 09/11/2001 was $ 26.50 a bbl.
09/11 changed everything , the world realised it had a problem and it originated from the pool of oil in the middle East.

The Chinese and even India are now drilling like crazy everywhere they can find oil.
Even in Cuban territorial waters which lie at points less than 50 miles from our protected Florida coast.
I doubt Raul Castro nor the Chinese Government will care about the not in my backyard folks.
Not in my backyard is not party specific nor written in stone.
I want a bumper sticker [ and I hate bumper stickers] that says drill in my backyard I need parts.
There is absolutely no proof that fuel prices will go down with domestic drilling. None whatsoever.
There is absolutely no proof that fuel prices WON'T go down with domestic drilling. None whatsoever.
Joe, would you sell your house for $200,000 if you could sell it for $300,00, dont think so and neither will the oil companies.

Absolutely true....but if all of a sudden there are more houses for sale than there are people to buy them (like in some places in this country RIGHT NOW), then their price falls. Very simple economic principle; Supply & Demand.
There is absolutely no proof that fuel prices will go down with domestic drilling. None whatsoever.

I agree that the cost of fuel has driven the cost of just about everything else up but I'm just not so sure that the oil companies will lower the price of gas because they can buy oil cheaper. OIl companies are public companies and it is the CEO's job to make as much profit as they can for the shareholders. That to is basic home economics.

Please tell me that you two intelligent people aren't falling for the "it's all the oil company's fault" line.

The CEO of E/M said that their roughly 1 billion dollar net profit came in as roughly 12 billion in gross revenues. That's way less than 10% profit, folks. I don't know what business y'all are in, but I don't find that to be outrageous in any way, shape, or form. These companies, for the most part, aren't selling the oil they produce, they're largely selling the oil and refined fuel that they're BUYING from foreign countries. If they could produce more of their own stock and refine more of their own stock then they could make the same profit on fewer dollars, resulting in a much prettier ROI.

I think the shareholders would be more than just OK with that, don't you?

Unfortunately it appears that the the dolts on Capitol Hill are going to try to strike up the "Let's Investigate Big Oil" band for what I believe is stanza number 7. Anyone care to guess the results of stanzas 1 - 6?
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