Nitro Member
If they see you blow by an open scale they usually will chase you down and either write you a ticket on the spot, or make you turn around and go back to the scale and they will inspect you. When I was bringing Del Worshams rig back to California after we got Alexis Dejoria licensed, I was coming up on a New Mexico scale and there was a highway patrol had a car pulled over so I had to move over in to the left lane, and then a car behind me passed me on the right side and I couldn't get back over to enter the scale, so they came after me and wrote me a ticket for $167.00. The good part is that there is no points taken off your license. We have a pre pass in Bob Bodes hauler, so we don't have to stop at a 90% of the scales.
Eugene, are you a contract driver for different teams, just curious since your talk about your driving experience. If you are it would be a cool job. Thanks