Crew chiefs now have remote control shut off devices (1 Viewer)

If I were a top fuel crew chief, I think it would be a huge benefit to have a shutoff device for whoever's car is in the opposite lane! ...calm down, now. I was kidding!
well they finally took the last bit of control out of the driver's hands, short of radio controlling the steering and throttle....

I can see it now....Jim Dunn sees a cylinder go out and shuts his car down to save money/points loss from oildown, and the other side has a major malfunction .....but Dunn's driver can't pedal it and win.....
well they finally took the last bit of control out of the driver's hands, short of radio controlling the steering and throttle....

I can see it now....Jim Dunn sees a cylinder go out and shuts his car down to save money/points loss from oildown, and the other side has a major malfunction .....but Dunn's driver can't pedal it and win.....

These cars have become difficult to tell if they have a cylinder out because they accelerate so hard. This device can save the teams money and keep the show moving by preventing oildowns.
These cars have become difficult to tell if they have a cylinder out because they accelerate so hard. This device can save the teams money and keep the show moving by preventing oildowns.

then I call for 2 88 amp mags to light that stinkin' juice!


Do they do this from the starting line? It seems like placing a person down track somewhere (and maybe up high) would give them a better vantage point to see what is going on.
These cars have become difficult to tell if they have a cylinder out because they accelerate so hard. This device can save the teams money and keep the show moving by preventing oildowns.

Then maybe its time to finally finally finally slow these things down! And go back to 1,320 while we're at it.
It's come a long way from having a crew guy standing down track at 300 feet holding a towel up to shut it off.
Most do it from the starting line and only really use it if it leaves with a cylinder or two out. Other than that by the time you think you see something down track and hit the button, it's usually at the finish line by then anyways. The first one I saw is the one that Del had for licensing new drivers and I have used it a few times myself on new students. :)
There is a lot of smart people is this industry and you can bet someone right now is figuring out how to hack this control, something will happen and blame will place on this devise soon. Don't get me wrong I like the safety part of it but managing it might be an issue.
the moment a driver gets on the radio and says "I don't know, it just lost fire on me.... no shake, no slipping, nothing...." then you will know someone hacked the system
for when they switch to battery power.................EPA regulations


they can sit in the safety of the tower
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