Capps & Prudhomme (2 Viewers)

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Nitro Member
Jul 9, 2006
New Jersey, USA
I just heard that they both lost their homes in the wildfires in California.
No one was hurt but the homes were lost.

Does anyone have any information about this?
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i've been trying to follow this story, has anyone come forward with
answers as to the cause of these fires?
the WHOLE coastline is ablaze; it is terrrible.
I've been watching the shuttle mission on NASA TV. They've shown some of the smoke out over the ocean from the fires taken with cameras in the shuttle bay. They're plainly visible.

Amazingly enough, eventually, all that particulate in the air may lead to more rain down the road, depending on where it all ends up.
Out of the 16 plus fires that are currently burning, at least one has been attributed to an act of arson.

I don't know that the actual cause of the others has been determined, but living on a hillside backing up into the mountains, we stay on the alert anytime the wind comes up.

It blew very, very hard here in Glendale on Saturday night and Sunday...but lessened considerably yesterday and today.

Unfortunately, other areas were not so lucky. The wind will take a single fire and multiply it numerous times as a results of blowing, burning embers.

It is difficult to understand how large an area is involved and how widely scattered these fires are in terms of location. That contributes to the problems in mounting a strong enough attack to knock them down with the available resources. Particularly when the wind is gusting upwards of 80 to 90 mph in some places. The high winds not only spread the fire very rapidly, they also can prevent the aircraft from flying. Those tanker planes and choppers are one of the best tools available...and winds can ground them.

It's a tough time.

i've been trying to follow this story, has anyone come forward with
answers as to the cause of these fires?
the WHOLE coastline is ablaze; it is terrrible.

I don't know. I saw on the news last night that nearly 2/3 of the country is in extreme drought conditions. If everything is dry, anything could start it.
From Judy at DSR...

"Ron evacuated his family. He and Shelley are in a hotel up Interstate 5. Ron's mom took the kids to Las Vegas. Home is still OK, but air quality is bad. Don't know about Snake's.

Ron and Shelley will wait and see what happens. He wrote a blog which should be up shortly."

Ron Capps Blog
It's not updated yet.

Thanks for the information Judy!

Now, let's all pray their home is spared and Snake and his family are OK!
The fire has burned all the way up to across the street @ Junnard's plant in Foothill. It has to cross an 8 lane road to get to him, so he looks safe for now.
Just read an update at foxnews that 513,000 people in San Diego county alone have been evacuated.
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