I heard just now they have transferred Bob to Columbus.
From all indications this is going to be a tough recovery. Let's all remember Bob right now.
If you would like to wish Bob & Scott Motz a speedy recovery from their burns when Bob's jet Kenworth had a massive fire on Saturday you can do so below. These addresses were on their web-site under booking information.
World's Fastest Truck, Inc.
P.O. Box 316
Wadsworth, OH 44282
Fax (330) 334-2262
E-mail: [email protected]
...it took them over 3 minutes to get up there.
Was watching the video again. You can see the workers going up to it and hear the announcer saying there's fuel everywhere before it goes up. You see one guy open the passenger side door, then run away!
I couldn't agree more Suzanne...watch at your own risk, you must sign in or join to watch this video, it shows the entire shocking sad event, not for the faint at heart. Our prayers go out to Bob and anyone else injured in this horrific fire. The last emergency response person getting out of the vehicle is a shocking sight to see in itself, and after reading the personal account of even more poor behavior during this emergency response is just so saddening. , Bob is lucky to be alive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXtb8A_7bLM
Steve,I could'nt imagine witnessing something like that.Had to be devastating for everyone.I hope Bob makes a full recovery.I also hope the next time a fire like that happens,there can be a well informed, dressed in full gear,fire crew close by.
How about a source Steve... Can you source that statement for us?The statement from the fire department was this "We did not see the fire, and we did not have our radios on. In all reality, we did not do our job. We never expected anything like this to happen, and we were not prepared for the situation. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and to Mr. Motz, and we apologize for our mens lack of preparation. The situation could have been better taken care of then it was, and the men we supplied to the track were not well enough trained nor prepared for a situation like this."