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Beckman in the Matco Flopper @ Reading?

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I'm not at all for what has happened to Whit,(he's actually one of my favorite drivers) but I do see the "business side" of what is already mentioned,the Skoal points start after Indy.Putting Jack in the car and getting him seat time,only helps when the 07 season starts,and he'll be in tune with Okuhara and Shuler that much quicker.

Personally,I think Don should provide Whit with a car to finish the season with,even though Whit will get paid for the rest of the contract.
Don, if this turns out to be the case, and it looks like it is, you are making the dumbest business decision I have ever seen in this sport! Its moves like this, the "Countdown to the Championship" and MULTICAR TEAMS, that are destroying the very sport I have grow up in and love. Thanks DSR!!!

Peter, with all due respect...

You don't aquire what Schumacher has assembled by making "dumb" business decisions...

nuff said...
Full disclosure ...I know NOTHING!!!

:( the only likely scenarion (based on Whit's confidence in his relationship with Matco) is that he's taking Matco to the Powers team.
Only thing seems odd to me is that DSR doesn't complete contractual obligation to Matco to finish the season with Whit.
I wont be there to boo, but I can guarantee you, I will never buy a Matco tool again.

I have never been a Whit fan, but this is horseshiat.

Mr(?) Shoe is owning sponsors, drivers, and how soon before he manipulates himself into owning tracks and associations?

Cannon brought Oakley to DSR FC. (Not there any longer)
Whit was intergal into bringing Matco to DSR FC. (Not there any longer)
He tried, but couldn't bring Trick Tank to DSR. (Was never there)
He hired Erica E to DSR, and that didn't last. Who knows what that deal is now. (Not there any longer)

Notice a trend? Drivers that hand delivered sponsors to "the team" are gone, but the sponsors are still there.

I have a hundy that says AJ won't last a full year at DSR/Mopar. When he leaves DSR, he will leave Mopar too.

Whit layed down (not by his own choosing, it was Shoes) at Sonoma last year, and this is how he gets treated?

Whit just gained himself a fan.
Mopar, Matco, Oakley etc, a just lost consumer.

Whit is number 8 in points. I dont think this would happen a year from now.
Egotistical owners dont walk away from money, do they?

I will say as well that I have never been a fan of Whit Bazemore (I'm a JFR guy). But regardless of my personal feelings of him, this really isn't right. I mean, what's going to happen with Fast Jack bringing in an associate sponsor in Roger Comstock? There's no way that an "Associate sponsor" can fund the operation that Matco was funding in order to race FC next year. Heck, as a matter of fact, I don't know that DSR will be able to find another sponsor to do what Matco did. Does that mean that just because Jack brings some money to the table this year, DSR says "yes, we'll find you a major sponsor for next" -- something ain't stirring the kool-aid here people.

I've always been a fan of DSR and I like Don Schumacher. I really do. But something about this just seems fishy and a tad bit out of line.

Whit, all the best to you buddy. I hope you find a ride next year. And as for DSR, I hope you get things sorted out with your sponsors and don't jack people like this again. (Pardon the pun)

And for the record, I like Jack Beckman too. He's a class act and I've always been a fan of his. There's just something about this that is wrong.

I mean, suppose Whit said, I found an associate sponsor that will help me for the rest of the year. Would he be allowed to finish driving? I seriously doubt it.

Anyway, JMHO (just my heralded opinion) :D
who could whit be talking with about a ride next year besides powers? there has been mention about a couple f/c rides. who? if someone is adding a new car then who would tune it ? wouldn't it be something if baze ended up in another ride for the rest of the year and just happened to stop a shumacher car from winning a crutial race when point counting it critical?
wow what a shame. I'm a fan of both Jack and Whit. Hope it works out for both of them
As the Shoe does Whits ride...Good luck to Whit getting a ride a ride in 2007,it won't be the same class without him.
Whit himself saif that he is not angry at Shoe, that he understands the business side of this deal. So why should everyone else get all of their panties wadded up in a bunch?

All three parties involved are agreeable/amicable to the scenario, and I personally believe it will benefit all 3 parties. Don gets some fresh blood and money in the team, Fast Jack gets a ride (finally!) and Whit gets a little time off to recharge the batteries and the freedom to chase rides for next year and sponsors of his own, WHILE GETTING PAID FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Sounds like an OK deal to me. Obviously, this is not the way any of the three would have wanted it to go down, but all have made the best of the situation. In the words of Michael Corleone: "This is the business we have chosen".
All three parties involved are agreeable/amicable to the scenario, and I personally believe it will benefit all 3 parties. Don gets some fresh blood and money in the team, Fast Jack gets a ride (finally!) and Whit gets a little time off to recharge the batteries and the freedom to chase rides for next year and sponsors of his own, WHILE GETTING PAID FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Sounds like an OK deal to me.
And he gets to watch himself slide out of the Top 10 in points, which sucks in its own right, not to mention losing the extra $$ and prestige that comes with being a driver in the FC Top 10. This sucks any way you look at it, hopefully Whit can somehow finish out the year...somewhere!
Whit himself saif that he is not angry at Shoe, that he understands the business side of this deal. So why should everyone else get all of their panties wadded up in a bunch?

All three parties involved are agreeable/amicable to the scenario, and I personally believe it will benefit all 3 parties. Don gets some fresh blood and money in the team, Fast Jack gets a ride (finally!) and Whit gets a little time off to recharge the batteries and the freedom to chase rides for next year and sponsors of his own, WHILE GETTING PAID FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Sounds like an OK deal to me. Obviously, this is not the way any of the three would have wanted it to go down, but all have made the best of the situation. In the words of Michael Corleone: "This is the business we have chosen".

Racing is business, period.

I have more respect for Whit Bazemore now than I did a few days ago, and I have always had a great deal of respect for him.
His businesslike attitude WILL win him another ride because car owners won't be afraid of him whining, crying and bringing a $hitty attitude along with him.
Good luck Whit. Everything happens for a reason.
Here's to bigger and better things...
Well that's great for Jack, but I sure hope Whit gets a ride. Epler, Etchells, Hofmann, Skuza, Spurlock, Toliver just to name a few are on the side lines now, we don't need another great Drag Racer sitting along side them. Maybe with Whits ties to Lee Beard, he does have a great chance to drive the other Top Fuel Car for Powers, but I believe Whit belongs in a Funny Car. Hey isn't it rumored that Alan Johnson wants to own a Funny Car Team. Hmmm, if that happened, would he try to have Scelzi as his driver, then maybe Whit would jump into the Oakley car. Hey stranger things have happened!
I wont be there to boo, but I can guarantee you, I will never buy a Matco tool again.

I have never been a Whit fan, but this is horseshiat.

I have a hundy that says AJ won't last a full year at DSR/Mopar. When he leaves DSR, he will leave Mopar too.
Whit layed down (not by his own choosing, it was Shoes) at Sonoma last year, and this is how he gets treated?

Whit just gained himself a fan.
Mopar, Matco, Oakley etc, a just lost consumer.

Whit is number 8 in points. I dont think this would happen a year from now.
Egotistical owners dont walk away from money, do they?


Who are implying when you state AJ won't last a full year at DSR/Mopar? Are you referring to Alan Johnson who is crew chief for Tony Schumacher, or Allen Johnson of the J&J Pro Stock team that just added Richie Stevens to his stable at MOPAR's request?

I am a Whit fan, and have been for years, and I don't like this either. There has to be more to the story, and we aren't going to hear most of it. Still seems odd to me for Whit to sit out and get paid. It sucks that he could end up outside the Top 10 this year because of this, as he most likely would have moved up in the points if the team kept running good like it had.

You or someone else is right when they stated this would NOT FLY next year when the coutdown to 8 was occuring at INDY. NO sponsor would be dumb enough to do this unless they were leaving the sport. I still don't understand what Matco is doing in switching to Top Fuel unless they just want a change of scene from Funny Car. I think it would be kinda cool if Whit would switch to Top Fuel as then he and Mike Dunn would really have some more stuff to bounce off each other on those long bike rides.
OK Just talked to Jack again (Sunday 10AM) He finished his license and he comfirmed that he is taking over DSR. He will be driving the ARMY car and the BRUT car in Reading. He has his Super Comp car being delivered to Dallas, so either Tony or Ron will have their car back that weelend (depending on which car Jack likes better). In Richmond he is planning to shake down a new S&S Buell for G2, then it's off to Fontana For the Sports Nats where he will Drive Ashley Force's car (She has a Spa Day planned). In Las Vegas Jack will drive the ARMY car on Friday to qualify it and then Tony will race it Saturday in the Bud Shootout. Jack said he really didn't want to give up the car on Saturday, but Tony promised to give him 75% of what he wins as a bonus, so he agreed. He is planning to take Pomona and make his ESPN debut and then spend the winter weighing his options for next year.

That's the latest as I understand it.


Dang it Alan!!! I just spit coffee all over my monitor!! I'm still laughing my a$$ off!!! Lets have a beer in Vegas!!

T-Bone :D
I love this sport but this really drives home the fact that it is first and foremost a business. The way all parties have handled this matter shows true professionalism and class. Good luck to Whit in his search for a competitive ride and my hats off to all involved.:)

Sometimes those that should know more do not………….and those that you might question, really do know. ;) :D
I not a Whit fan at all but this stinks. At least have the curtesy to let him finish out the year and THEN put Beckman in the car NEXT year!

BTW, I like Beckman very much and this finally gives him a chance to have a championship-caliber team.
My question is why was Whit not even allowed to finish the season? Someone didn't want Whit in the seat and I highly doubt it was his idea.
Everything is all peachy, all sides are still friends, blah blah, blah, BS!!

One thing comes to my mind on this whole deal: MONEY TALKS!!!
It's all about the Benjamin's!
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