Bartone? (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
There's an article over at Complus talking about the abundance of drivers who are w/o rides for next year, and Tony Bartone was included. Is there a change over at Dunn's camp for next year?
That's a bummer. I can't remember the last time Big Jim was parked, I hope he comes back. Also stinks if Tony Bartone is sidelined.
It seems like we hear more of this every day. This is totally unacceptable that all of these great people are losing their rides. I not taking any shots at the HD Partners folks, but they keep telling us that they will grow the sport. If they are going to grow the sport, why are these drivers looking for work? What does HDP plan to do to get TJ, Angelle, Antron, Baze, Skuza, Erica, Burkart, Arend, Bartone and all they others increasing the length of the unemployment line, the quality ride that they deserve? I would really like to hear their plan, I'm all ears.

But when it comes to Jim Dunn being parked, it hurts me to hear it. I have been a Big Jim fan forever and I just don't want to think about him not being out there. Jim Dunn is a true Legend of our sport and his team needs to be out there. True, they don't always run the best but Big Jim can pull one out of the bag on any given day. I can tell you one thing for sure, if I should win the Powerball, Big Jim and the "Fireman's Quickie" would be around for many years to come.

HDP does not own NHRA yet ... so how could they bring in the sponsors?

Big Jim will bounce back, he always does. I would like to see Big Jim tuning for "Teach". Densham/Dunn in '08!!!
That's a bummer. I can't remember the last time Big Jim was parked, I hope he comes back. Also stinks if Tony Bartone is sidelined.

Didn't Bartone bring some of that asphalt money with him to Dunn? Just another indication that drag racing still isn't very popular regardless of how all of you fans feel about it. I feel some fault is with the sponsors that are dropping cars and waited till the last minute to tell them.
It seems like we hear more of this every day. This is totally unacceptable that all of these great people are losing their rides. I not taking any shots at the HD Partners folks, but they keep telling us that they will grow the sport. If they are going to grow the sport, why are these drivers looking for work? What does HDP plan to do to get TJ, Angelle, Antron, Baze, Skuza, Erica, Burkart, Arend, Bartone and all they others increasing the length of the unemployment line, the quality ride that they deserve? I would really like to hear their plan, I'm all ears.

But when it comes to Jim Dunn being parked, it hurts me to hear it. I have been a Big Jim fan forever and I just don't want to think about him not being out there. Jim Dunn is a true Legend of our sport and his team needs to be out there. True, they don't always run the best but Big Jim can pull one out of the bag on any given day. I can tell you one thing for sure, if I should win the Powerball, Big Jim and the "Fireman's Quickie" would be around for many years to come.


Frankly, they are going to need to SAVE the sport before they can even THINK about growing it!
HDP does not own NHRA yet ... so how could they bring in the sponsors?
So...? Just because they don't own them yet means that NHRA gets to sit on their butts and do nothing to help the situation? Wasn't this countdown supposed to create all sorts of excitement to bring in new fans and sponsors? Well, it sure as hell ain't working!
HDP does not own NHRA yet ... so how could they bring in the sponsors?

Both NHRA and HDP should be working together to bring more sponsors into the sport. What would happen if the deal with HDP fell through. NHRA would be left holding the bag with a lot of great drivers with no place to go.
Frankly, they are going to need to SAVE the sport before they can even THINK about growing it!

Absolutely right! Drag racing as a marketable property ranks way behind many other motorsports based on several criteria. Selling sponsorships within (NHRA) drag racing requires first selling the sport itself as a viable and cost effective marketing medium.
IMHO the sport is at a real turning point, especially as regards the Professional categories. It's long term viability, and indeed it's survival, is by no means assured.
It may well be that the Sportsman program will actually provide a better ROI for sponsorship dollars expended, and this is where new sponsorship alliances need to be created and nurtured...........again, IMHO.
HD has their work cut out for them that's for sure, and as you say, their first order of business is to save the sport itself. Short of that, they will have some properties to market, which was one hedge going in. rjs
So...? Just because they don't own them yet means that NHRA gets to sit on their butts and do nothing to help the situation? Wasn't this countdown supposed to create all sorts of excitement to bring in new fans and sponsors? Well, it sure as hell ain't working!

First it is HDPs fault, now it is NHRA's fault for creating the Countdown? Gotta pick one argument and stick with it Brent.

NONE of this is HDPs fault until they scratch out the check and take over the program.

Despite what any of you say, there are still more funded cars out there now than there were 5 years ago in both fuel classes, even with a few cars getting parked.

I don't agree necessarily with the Countdown as it is configured now, nor do I agree with everything NHRA does, but I am certainly not going to agree with the Chicken Littles on this board that think the sky is falling, especially with the crowd I was part of Sunday at LVMS. Cheese and crackers HDP hasn't done anything yet and you guys are ready to nail them to the cross. At least let them buy NHRA and make a couple of moves before throwing them under the bus. Like my granpa used to say, there are no easy fixes, just fixes.
First it is HDPs fault, now it is NHRA's fault for creating the Countdown? Gotta pick one argument and stick with it Brent.
Show me where I mentioned HDP. :confused: I sure as heck didn't write it so I don't know how that got into your head. Here's my post again:
Registered member said:
Wow, this coundown sure is bringing in the sponsors. :rolleyes:
Do you see HDP in that sentence anywere? I sure don't.

The countdown was supposed to create all sorts of new fans and attract all sorts of sponsors. It isn't working! It looks like we'll have more drivers sitting out next near than the past couple years. So much for all the hype. :rolleyes: They need to do a hell of a lot more to attract sponsors than they've been doing and that's a fact!
It was the FIREMAN'S QUICKIE........still have an almost new tshirt hanging in the closet. I might break it out next year............:p:cool:

I know, I was just goofing on a Big Jim/Gary Densham team up:D
Fireman's Quickie
Teacher's Pet
Anyone remember the Assassination AA/FC?

Show me where I mentioned HDP. :confused: I sure as heck didn't write it so I don't know how that got into your head. Here's my post again: Do you see HDP in that sentence anywere? I sure don't.

The countdown was supposed to create all sorts of new fans and attract all sorts of sponsors. It isn't working! It looks like we'll have more drivers sitting out next near than the past couple years. So much for all the hype. :rolleyes: They need to do a hell of a lot more to attract sponsors than they've been doing and that's a fact!

You are right Brent, you did not mention HDP. I should have looked back in the thread, I thought you were the one throwing HDP under the bus and then changing tack to blame the countdown. Sorry Bout that. :eek:

However, the crowds at LVMS this past weekend suggest (at least to some degree) that the Countdown is working. I have been to every national event save for 1 at LVMS, and there has ALWAYS been reserved ticket upgrades available (not this past weekend) and there has always been plenty of room at the fence on either side of the track in GA (not this past weekend). We were 3 or 4 deep all day at the fence.

Could NHRA do more? Absolutely.

Is it is as bad as everyone in this thread is making it out to be? Absolutely Not.

Besides, this is the first year for the countdown and it is not yet completed, the data not yet compiled. Just because NHRA announced they were going to have a countdown does not mean sponsors are suddenly going to start throwing cash at teams. They want to see how it plays out too.

I don't know what you guys were expecting, but it sure as heck ain't gonna happen overnight.

There were FORTY EIGHT fuel cars at Vegas this past weekend, or as Chad Johnson would say Quatro Ocho. Any way you slice it, that is VERY healthy. Even though some of them may be going away for next year, more are already gearing up to take their place.
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