I go to bed when I'm tired, usually waking up 4 to 6 hours or so later. Those that make it to chat on mondays know I normally go off to bed around ten or so, after killing a pot of mud talking/typing... Since early March, I've stopped drinking, per say. I can't say I sleep better, but then, it hasn't hurt.
I've had my share of white nights, they seem to happen less often nowadays.
I learned to sleep with my eyes open at an early age, and still made it through school with a B+ average, doing high school in 3-1/2 years... Think it's the way my mind processes information, and is why I'm a lousy teacher... can't explain how I do things, I just do them, I can explain to someone where and how to find information, but I get frustrated and short when I get asked the SAME question repeatedly... I also believe, don't ask the question if you don't want to hear the answer... asking it every hour won't change the answer.
sorry, that was typical non-linear on my part.
not from lack of sleep, from getting sleep as needed