Any fuel testing at Bradenton in Feb or March? (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Dec 3, 2017
I’m going to the World Series of Pro Mod meet at BMP on March 5 but wondering if theres any word of other testing there this spring? Gators will be the next weekend.
Some teams left for testing today. I don't know where to tho.
From what I heard NHRA is allowing pro testing at Gainesville the days preceding the Gators like they did last year.
There are Fuel test sessions every weekend in Feb at Gainesville, along with the Mon-Wed leading into the race. Pro Stock will be testing in Bradenton Mon-Wed leading into the race at Gainesville (after the WSOPM ends on Sunday).
Larry Dixon was on Comp Plus tonight and said he is there today upgrading an "unnamed" driver to a TF license with Hawley overseeing things; he also said other cars were there
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