Nancy...(great blogs at rob's!!!) ...BUT....just maybe this young lady has the same luv of the sport as you...she has been a competitor her whole life with the horses, found drag racing, and has the ability to play...silver spoon-sure...make a her own doings it seems!...we all have are wishes...some have the ability to make them come true...lucky *******s!!!
Thanks Kevin, very much, I really appreciate your compliment.
Now, as for your But......Maybe, just Maybe, I've been involved in drag racing since just a couple of decades longer and didn't happen to obliviously fall upon it one day in my mid 20's, a year after my wealthy father built a georgous race track, after he already owned a few other prime locations and decided, wow, I should have had a V-8. Or in this case, Wow, I should drive a Nitro Car and announce it before I'd ever gone down the track. To me, the pre-announcment was her only mistake.
For anyone who really knows me, I work extremely hard and am very dedicated to get my car to the track and run. I could care a less that (and this is no offense to anyone, I'm just using some names) Schumacher has 4 Fuel Teams with resources, or Force or Connie or KB, GOOD FOR THEM!!! They are True Racers and have been through the trenches. It gives me inspiration to know that I can do the same thing, I just have to reach out and think further outside the box (like they did) to obtain the same success. I don't stick my nose up a wealthy persons butt (sorry again no offense to anyone) just to try and get money from them or a ride. To me, the relationships are worth their weight in gold, the resources will then follow when they are supposed to.
I've been Extremely Blessed and Fortunate enough to purchase and field my own ride. If you do the math on how many female racers there are in the faster classes, there aren't very many of us that bought our own operations on our own hard earned money. I know who they are, and I'll refrain from names, because think about it, there are less than a handful of us. And there are even more guys out there the same way.
There are many things that being a True Racer involves. I don't care what she does or how she does it, she will never be able to experience drag racing or love it the same way that I have and that I do (many of us for that matter). Does she have the means to go buy a lear jet? Of course, probably has one, I could care a less. She'll never have the true satisfaction of doing this on her own as a person and a racer. (go ahead everyone, have a field day with me saying this, you think she's gonna help take apart the motors, clean the crapper, load the car, buy the supplies and actually cook the food for the crew? Be Honest before you respond)
Could you see her on the road having to sleep with her car In the Trailer (no plush lounge) in a salvage yard while her truck that broke down 30 miles from the nearest town was in a repair shop and the only place big enough for the trailer is a salvage yard? I don't think so. Oh the stories a True racer has and can tell go on and on telling that are hysterical when looking back on it.
Or putting a fire out in the tow truck attached to a trailer with everything you've worked for that is full of alcohol and oil, with a duck down pillow and then when the truck is fixed having feathers fly Everywhere looking like the ultimate goof balls on the side of the road, and then be able to tell the story and laugh? I don't think so. These are the true stories and Love of Drag Racing, not whose going to get the best opportunity handed to them this week.