As one retires a new face arrives. The future of Pro Stock will be great with Tanner Gray, however .........
not sure if i'm all in on that. as a kid with plenty of options in life, Tanner strikes me as someone, who will get bored, especially, during the 'lean' times when things are not going to well. Jonathan gray, who could have raced as long as he wanted to, only hung around for a couple of years and quit for whatever reason, but had he average 5 or 6 wins a year would he still be racing PS ? If shane were in the hunt every year and winning races would he have quit.?
You do realize that Jonathan is still racing a full Pro Mod schedule right? And that Shane finished 3rd in 2016? That's not exactly barely qualifying or not being competitive.
the only difference is when MOPAR dominated NHRA quickly factored them out of dominance, now with GM they just let it go. Actually up until the RPM cap MOPAR was competitive.
Same in PSB Harley has a monopoly on that engine design and no one else can run it.
The biggest problem is no factory support because it is so far from factory they are not interested anymore
The NHRA factored in NOS for MOPAR only to allow them to win championships....
I also hear people say we may have not landed on the moon....
The only ones caught with NOS were a GM team, and a PS driver said that currently only one successful PS team has been able to crack the firewall in the EFI computer a field of Camaros who could that be?
I'm just tired that when Mopar fields a PS combo,everybody tears it apart saying it's not a true Hemi, it's a GM copy.....blah blah blah
Let's see the SS/ Hemi Challenge get bigger and televised more!
I hope Tanner learns a little class. Acted like a rich kid several times with his attitude not the same class his dad and granddad have. OK flame away...As one retires a new face arrives. The future of Pro Stock will be great with Tanner Gray, however, I will always miss AJ. A class act all the way.