By the wayt this is what I said:
Rich snobs in NJ want to destroy historic landmark.
Just so you know, RS = Rich Snob.
People who know me know that I am a big racing fan, and when my family lived in NY one tradition stood year after year.... the Summernationals at Old Bridge Township Raceway Park in Englishtown, NJ. AKA E-town.
Let's get one thing out of the way. The track has been there since 1965. The track puts on great shows many times a year. And when the NHRA Summernationals rolls in every june, it produces around $30 million for the local economy.
Yet, the locals (the rich snobs) in Englishtown want to put an end to all that over what? Because they say it produces noise pollution!
First off, a little back story here. E-town, not even 10 years ago was a fairly dinky little town that was only worth venturing into for the festivities at Raceway Park. When the real estate craze started happening developers saw the property around the track as a prime spot for housing. Not condos or shacks, but HUGE luxury houses costing upwards of a million dollars. I have seen these houses as my dad and I headed towards the track when we went, and while beautiful, they have SH!T for property. Why buy a house if you can reach into your neighbor's bathroom and grab his toothpaste? But anyway, I degress....
Here's where the issue is. The main target for these houses were Rich Snobs (you know, the people that buy million dollar houses and $80K cars but bitch that the price of something in the grocery store is too high!). Real estate agents would show an RS one of these houses and leave out one important fact: that there is a MAJOR drag strip just a little bit away. Real estate agents would leave out this important piece of info because they knew if they told an RS that little bit of info, the RS would probably turn down the sale and go someone else, therefore resulting in the agent losing a nice amount of commission.
This backfired and soon of bunch of RS's moved in and guess what? Bitched about the noise! They claimed that "they moved to Englishtown to have some piece and quiet, not to hear a bunch of race cars." Now real estate agents are REQUIRED to tell any potential buyer that Raceway Park exists within 15-miles of their house, if they don't like it they don't need to move there.
What the RS's need to realize is:
Don't like it? Get the f**k out.
2. You moved to E-town because you wanted piece and quiet? What the hell is E-town famous for?! THE TRACK! When you move to an area you're supposed to investigate the neighborhood before deciding to buy a house there. Which proves that RS's may have a lot of money but very little brainpower.
3. Other than Top Fuel Dragsters and Funny Cars, very few drag race cars are actually that noisy. Sure they're loud, but not THAT loud.
4. I can ASSURE you that if E-town was a NASCRAP track, nothing would be said as those speedways are used far less. Not to mention that we all know that RS's just love "round-and-round-we-go" racing. Unlike people like me* who actually like REAL horsepower!
There ends my vent. Let me tell you I am very pissed about this.
*And of this board.