Nitro Member
How did going 0 to 200 relate back in '64? What did the Slingshot Top Fueler in the 60's have in Common with any Street car, nothing I can tell! This sport is about Power and acceleration, Pure and Simple! And suprising as it may seem to some, that remains the Main draw.
They were built with engines that you could get almost anywhere, from a car dealer to a 'junk yard', modified with parts from your local parts store/speed shop. Blowers were Real Roots 6/71's. The rear ends, for the most part were modified 57 Olds... and yes, it was Olds, vs Chevy, vs Chrysler, vs Ford, vs Poncho... based on their best Street motors, and what was found on the strip was 'transfered' back to Detroit, and the OEM's were involved, either through the front door, or the back door... And It Sold Cars. We have Floppers because of Factory involvement. And as the cars lost their 'street' relationship, Pro Stock came into being.
We came dang close to loosing Nitro a second time in the mid-70's... what stopped it was Jim and The AHRA... I really think that's why Wally disliked Jim so much.
It's About The Show Today, not pure power. It's about Spec Blocks, Spec Heads, Spec this and Spec that, to keep a level playing field... even Spec Fuel...
But you didn't hear a word I said. This isn't about 45 years ago, this isn't about ten years ago... this isn't even about next year.
This is about Fifteen to Twenty years from now... and if the PC crowd has their way I can see private autos being just short of illegal. I smoke, I have for 40 years, the same people that want to make that 'bad habit' illegal are going to be looking at motor sports soon, have you not seen the "GREEN" push on cars? Would anyone here have thought fifteen years ago the there would be Hybrid-cars on the street today? That the corn crops would be used to make fuel instead of hush puppies or corn bread and Lima beans and ham hocks?
And not once have I said this is what I want. This is more what I fear. And given the odds based on my Bad Habits, including breathing the 'yellow cloud'
I don't expect to be around in 2025 to see it...
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