2009 Outlook (3 Viewers)


Nitro Member
Jul 10, 2006
I'm always an optimist, but going into '09, it looks bad for the nitro cars. UPS, Rockstar, Monster, CSK, all reportedly leaving, and I just read at DRO that there's a rumor of Snake's deal coming to an end. They already quit the showdown. Anybody have any good news?
The two that I don't really get there are the Monster and the US Smokeless teams. If any of you have been to the races, the monster team pits and us smokeless team pits are almost always surrounded by huge crowds. The two are both fan favorites no matter how well they do. TJ is having an awful year, but walking along Nitro Alley its like 1:5 is wearing some monster gear. And as for snake, Larry Dixon is having a good year, and always has a large gallery around his pits due to the free **** and hot chicks. Monster and US Smokeless are getting their moneys worth if you ask me.
The two that I don't really get there are the Monster and the US Smokeless teams. If any of you have been to the races, the monster team pits and us smokeless team pits are almost always surrounded by huge crowds. The two are both fan favorites no matter how well they do. TJ is having an awful year, but walking along Nitro Alley its like 1:5 is wearing some monster gear. And as for snake, Larry Dixon is having a good year, and always has a large gallery around his pits due to the free **** and hot chicks. Monster and US Smokeless are getting their moneys worth if you ask me.

Actually at Brainerd this year,the US Smokeless bimbo was doing her pitch outside Snake's pit,trying to drum up interested people to come into the display.She asked the crowd "why's everyone walking away?" An answer came from a bystander"Your product causes cancer,that's why."She had no reply and seemed dumbfounded by the response.
Actually at Brainerd this year,the US Smokeless bimbo was doing her pitch outside Snake's pit,trying to drum up interested people to come into the display.She asked the crowd "why's everyone walking away?" An answer came from a bystander"Your product causes cancer,that's why."She had no reply and seemed dumbfounded by the response.

Maybe we can all chase off every sponsor we don't agree with? Has anyone held a gun to your head to smoke or chew tobacco David? Will it make you happy if U.S. Tobacco pulls out and Snake decides to hang it up? Maybe we should boycott ALL Energy drinks because they advertize to Kids??? STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
The two that I don't really get there are the Monster and the US Smokeless teams. If any of you have been to the races, the monster team pits and us smokeless team pits are almost always surrounded by huge crowds. The two are both fan favorites no matter how well they do. TJ is having an awful year, but walking along Nitro Alley its like 1:5 is wearing some monster gear. And as for snake, Larry Dixon is having a good year, and always has a large gallery around his pits due to the free **** and hot chicks. Monster and US Smokeless are getting their moneys worth if you ask me.

Could the whole "Full Throttle" deal be giving Monster second thoughts? With all of the uncertainty looming for 2009 and beyond with The Election, Oil Prices, and the cost to go racing I can't say that I'm totally surprised.

Isn't this the time of year where everyone is trying to get the funding set for 2009? Could it be that the new contracts are looking for more money and the sponsors are just not in the position to put out the extra funding?
I don't like to see sponsors pulling out and leaving teams unfunded.I was just reporting on what I happened to witness,and what seems to be a general attitude shift by the public at large towards some sponsors products. I started attending national events back in the late 70's and early 80's when Winston sponsored the events and there would be models handing out trial packs of cigs to the crowd.Times have changed.The first time my g/f and her then 11 y/o son went to the races with me,he couldn't get an autograph from TJ...his mother had to hand TJ the hero card and have it signed,not the best PR for the sport when a sponsored driver has to do that because the product he's sponsored by can't be associated with minors.
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From what I heard at Indy

due to the new energy drink sponsor, other such teams with liek items will not get the tv time they would/should/could. Combine that with less than desired performaces this year by those teams plus the economy and that doesn't entice a company to stay
From what I heard at Indy

due to the new energy drink sponsor, other such teams with liek items will not get the tv time they would/should/could. Combine that with less than desired performaces this year by those teams plus the economy and that doesn't entice a company to stay

..isn't it funny ..Wiley X was on Jim Yates car for a while and you barely saw them.. but soon as Oakley gets sold and the rumors run abound that they will soon be done... Wiley X gets a ton of tv and press time.....whats up wiht that?....lol

I don't like to see sponsors pulling out and leaving teams unfunded.I was just reporting on what I happened to witness,and what seems to be a general attitude shift by the public at large towards some sponsors products. I started attending national events back in the late 70's and early 80's when Winston sponsored the events and there would be models handing out trial packs of cigs to the crowd.Times have changed.The first time my g/f and her then 11 y/o son went to the races with me,he couldn't get an autograph from TJ...his mother had to hand TJ the hero card and have it signed,not the best PR for the sport when a sponsored driver has to do that because the product he's sponsored by can't be associated with minors.

Well then I guess this sport will slowly wither away to nothing if we have to surrender to Political correctness. Jeff Burk and Darr Hawthorne are right I guess....In 10-15 Years the NHRA will be nothing more than a extended Goodguys series for us 50-60 something Dragfans!
Joe, I hope that isn't the case. Look, there will always be drag racing, in some form, look at all the different series out there that are successful and very exciting to watch and/or participate in, such as the nostalgia races, ADRL, different circuits for AA/FAs & Pro Mod cars, etc. Generally when we are talking about the health and visibility of the sport, we're talking about the pro cars in the "Big Show". A good friend of mine who has raced eveything from blown alky, to nitro to rockets and jets was at Shoe's open house last weekend. He was extremely impressed, and said the whole Brownsburg area is just booming with a growing drag racing presence. That's exciting, but the pro level of drag racing needs a big influx of corporate involvement to continue even it's current level, let alone the often talked about "next level". I think it's pretty simple, if NHRA can't attract new blood, the only hope for the future of 16-car fuel fields will be a new type of nitro car, in essence a car that thunders, is fast but not like todays cars, and doesn't eat up a couple million a year. You guys know what I mean, single mag, less compression, smaller blowers, whatever...I don't have the answer, but we're running out of budgets capable of underwriting a modern day fuel car.
I don't like to see sponsors pulling out and leaving teams unfunded.I was just reporting on what I happened to witness,and what seems to be a general attitude shift by the public at large towards some sponsors products. I started attending national events back in the late 70's and early 80's when Winston sponsored the events and there would be models handing out trial packs of cigs to the crowd.Times have changed.The first time my g/f and her then 11 y/o son went to the races with me,he couldn't get an autograph from TJ...his mother had to hand TJ the hero card and have it signed,not the best PR for the sport when a sponsored driver has to do that because the product he's sponsored by can't be associated with minors.

About 5yrs ago I was talking to TJ at indy & a young boy came up
get his card signed. TJ signed it and ask me to give it to the boy & told me why after the boy left . That boy looked at me real strange.
Joe, I hope that isn't the case. Look, there will always be drag racing, in some form, look at all the different series out there that are successful and very exciting to watch and/or participate in, such as the nostalgia races, ADRL, different circuits for AA/FAs & Pro Mod cars, etc. Generally when we are talking about the health and visibility of the sport, we're talking about the pro cars in the "Big Show". A good friend of mine who has raced eveything from blown alky, to nitro to rockets and jets was at Shoe's open house last weekend. He was extremely impressed, and said the whole Brownsburg area is just booming with a growing drag racing presence. That's exciting, but the pro level of drag racing needs a big influx of corporate involvement to continue even it's current level, let alone the often talked about "next level". I think it's pretty simple, if NHRA can't attract new blood, the only hope for the future of 16-car fuel fields will be a new type of nitro car, in essence a car that thunders, is fast but not like todays cars, and doesn't eat up a couple million a year. You guys know what I mean, single mag, less compression, smaller blowers, whatever...I don't have the answer, but we're running out of budgets capable of underwriting a modern day fuel car.

Nunzio I know there will always be Drag racing, but this Nit-picking about what sponsors should or shouldn't be there doesn't help the cause! As Far as making TF/FC More affordable...I think that's a lost cause! As Long as you have teams with Much higher budgets than others, the quest for Quicker times will always be the goal. As Far as an influx of Corporate involvement? We've been hearing about this for 10-15 years, yet nothing seems to make a difference.
remember the big announcement partnering NHRA
and IMG Sports Marketing?.........results?
It's easy to get down but after watching Indy last week, if I didn't know better, it looked like everyone in fuel classes had a sponsor and was doing well.

The problem is fuel racing costs more than most companies want to spend. In the fat years with all the Knoll money and other deals in sport, everyone was living high on the hog. One semi trailer turned into two or three, etc. I remember Prudhomme Shirley, McEwan, and McCoulloch all racing out of trailers the current size of mine. Everything has just got out of hand. When we now need several semis for one team, something is a little out of whack.
As long as there is still 16 spots open for qualifying, there will be people willing to fill those spots. Teams will step up from TAD, TAFC, and other areas if there is a very good chance they could qualify. And when they get TV time and qualify, someone will step up with smaller sponsorships for those teams. Who knows, maybe a larger one to follow.
Maybe we can all chase off every sponsor we don't agree with? Has anyone held a gun to your head to smoke or chew tobacco David? Will it make you happy if U.S. Tobacco pulls out and Snake decides to hang it up? Maybe we should boycott ALL Energy drinks because they advertize to Kids??? STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

Joe, lets take a hypothetical situation in which a company like Trojan condoms were to step up to the plate and agree to a 2 or 3 year deal to back a fuel car? As much as you or I would welcome ANY new sponsor, there are plenty of people who post here who would $h!t a purple brick with yellow polka dots if a company that has anything remotely associated with sex advertised. just imagine how conservative America would react. Remember when Big Jim had the Penthouse deal back in 1999, and how many people objected to that?
Joe, lets take a hypothetical situation in which a company like Trojan condoms were to step up to the plate and agree to a 2 or 3 year deal to back a fuel car? As much as you or I would welcome ANY new sponsor, there are plenty of people who post here who would $h!t a purple brick with yellow polka dots if a company that has anything remotely associated with sex advertised. just imagine how conservative America would react. Remember when Big Jim had the Penthouse deal back in 1999, and how many people objected to that?

I think there's a big step between a condom company and porn.
As long as there is still 16 spots open for qualifying, there will be people willing to fill those spots. Teams will step up from TAD, TAFC, and other areas if there is a very good chance they could qualify. And when they get TV time and qualify, someone will step up with smaller sponsorships for those teams. Who knows, maybe a larger one to follow.

I think that may be too rosey of glasses. If just by being there would result in sponsorships for those teams as you suggest then why are we already seeing short fields in top fuel? Why are so many teams losing or in danger of losing sponsorships right now? I agree there will always be people willing to fill the spots, hell I'm more than willing, the problem is being financially capable to do so and until Don Schumacher realizes he is my long lost Uncle or I get adopted by a Shiek then its not going to happen.
As long as there is still 16 spots open for qualifying, there will be people willing to fill those spots. Teams will step up from TAD, TAFC, and other areas if there is a very good chance they could qualify. And when they get TV time and qualify, someone will step up with smaller sponsorships for those teams. Who knows, maybe a larger one to follow.

Come on Buzz,

I know your a smart guy. But in the current state, it wouldn't happen. Your post represents one of living in a dream world. (Not by any means saying you are) But this would be a fantasy for some racers. May be spots, but who's got the money to get the gear together in the first place? Unless the A/Fullers just jumped in... It's not going to happen!!! If it was so simple to fill some spots, then maybe some of the IHRA tour would try take a shot. Not happening! For example...

FC gets 13 cars showing up... Jay Payne thinks "Hmm numbers are low in FC, maybe ill source some gear and go compete"

Sorry Buzz, but even I think you know this is a bit far fetched.

I get your point, that spots will always be filled, but in 2008/2009 life is just not that easy. If only it was... ;)


As long as there is still 16 spots open for qualifying, there will be people willing to fill those spots. Teams will step up from TAD, TAFC, and other areas if there is a very good chance they could qualify. And when they get TV time and qualify, someone will step up with smaller sponsorships for those teams. Who knows, maybe a larger one to follow.

Buzzz - we all admire the independent teams who show so much passion for fuel racing. Unfortunately, NHRA's miserable TV ratings will never provide them with a tool to attract sponsors. UPS is gone and probably DHL. In addition, Black and Lucas have stated they need outside sponsorship to continue next year and Vis Visa is also a question mark. So, we have at least five (or likely more) TF teams with equipment, teams and marketing/hospitality in place competing for sponsors just to make it out next year.
While independents may make it to an occasional race, they are guaranteed to lose money, even if they win! The system is broken - unless NHRA offers racers some hope, I'll have to agree you are being overly optimistic - JMHO
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