#1 on NHRA'S Black List (3 Viewers)

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Nitro Member
Jeff Wolf does it again!

I thought his comments regarding the new points scheme were excellent, but he's just published another piece which is better than the first. I'm about ready to nominate this guy for the Pulitzer Prize or something.

Here's a link that may or may not work:


I can't get the link I have to work, but the piece is easily found.

Just go to http://www.reviewjournal.com

Click on "Sports" in the narrow blue bar just below the top banner.

Select "Jeff Wolf - NHRA Honchos Fuel Anger"

I especially like these two quotes:

Some decisions by NHRA would have you believe alcohol must flow freely at some of its meetings. Can anyone be that arrogant to make these recent decisions unless they're liquored up?

Changes must be made inside NHRA headquarters. Sadly, some of those who need to be fired are the only ones who can do the firing.

Brings a smile to your face......doesn't it?
In stick and ball sports (which I love btw) there is an old saying about not letting the media pick your quarterback or starting pitcher. to extend the thought a little. "Don't let the media make the rules."

Jeff Wolf doesn't like the new system. BFD, he ain't racing with it, so who cares what he thinks.

In stick and ball sports (which I love btw) there is an old saying about not letting the media pick your quarterback or starting pitcher. to extend the thought a little. "Don't let the media make the rules."

Jeff Wolf doesn't like the new system. BFD, he ain't racing with it, so who cares what he thinks.


Well. I guess I do. I'm always open to alternative ideas since I think you need to see both sides in order to make an informed decision.

Alan, I've had the pleasure to meet you and know for a fact that you're a remarkable person and a good guy. I just hope the others reading your last sentence realize that also, because I actually flinched when I read it.

It's so close to what I perceive as the Glendora credo it's scary.

I thought when I read it:

"The racers and membership don't like the new system. BFD, they ain't making the rules, so who cares what they think."

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth but that's a pretty dictatorial mindset and illustrates what bothers me most about the sport I love.
In stick and ball sports (which I love btw) there is an old saying about not letting the media pick your quarterback or starting pitcher. to extend the thought a little. "Don't let the media make the rules."

Jeff Wolf doesn't like the new system. BFD, he ain't racing with it, so who cares what he thinks.


Definitely true Alan, but I think he is resonating what a lot of the Pro drivers/ owners/teams are thinking.

Point out to me the “alternative ideas” the Jeff spoke about, I must have missed them. And the last line of my first post is directed straight at Jeff Wolf.

This new system effects the Pro Racers. Not the sportsman, and certainly NOT the media. I don't care what Jeff Wolf thinks about it. He is certainly entitled to his opinion. He doesn't like Tom or Graham. Fine. I would think that a "professional journalist" would be able to voice that without stooping to personal attacks. If he can’t come up with the words to convey his views without making possibly slanderous statements like, suggesting that they must have been drinking when they came up with this plan, then I think he is in the wrong line of work. And I believe that I am entitled to my opinion as well.

I spoke to Kenny Bernstein at Indy, his opinion is that the concept is a good one, but it might need “tweaking”. Those were the thoughts echoed by most of the RACERS that I talked to. Obviously, not everyone loves the idea, but the majority that I have asked about it are at least willing to give it a chance.

Like I said before, just hang on, the sky isn’t really falling.

They stated that is not an option. Which is it?

The sky fell long ago. We are just witnessing new effects of the fall every once in a while.

Point out to me the “alternative ideas” the Jeff spoke about, I must have missed them. And the last line of my first post is directed straight at Jeff Wolf.

This new system effects the Pro Racers. Not the sportsman, and certainly NOT the media. I don't care what Jeff Wolf thinks about it. He is certainly entitled to his opinion. He doesn't like Tom or Graham. Fine. I would think that a "professional journalist" would be able to voice that without stooping to personal attacks. If he can’t come up with the words to convey his views without making possibly slanderous statements like, suggesting that they must have been drinking when they came up with this plan, then I think he is in the wrong line of work. And I believe that I am entitled to my opinion as well.

I spoke to Kenny Bernstein at Indy, his opinion is that the concept is a good one, but it might need “tweaking”. Those were the thoughts echoed by most of the RACERS that I talked to. Obviously, not everyone loves the idea, but the majority that I have asked about it are at least willing to give it a chance.

Like I said before, just hang on, the sky isn’t really falling.


The spin is in full force now. I am sure KB is going to like the idea, he is the olny one that knew about it.

This new system effects the Pro Racers. Not the sportsman, and certainly NOT the media. I don't care what Jeff Wolf thinks about it. He is certainly entitled to his opinion. He doesn't like Tom or Graham. Fine. I would think that a "professional journalist" would be able to voice that without stooping to personal attacks. If he can’t come up with the words to convey his views without making possibly slanderous statements like, suggesting that they must have been drinking when they came up with this plan, then I think he is in the wrong line of work. And I believe that I am entitled to my opinion as well.

Alan: I certainly respect your opinion on all things drag racing. I just wanted to make one point regarding the above. I think columns like his are meant to be opinion peices and not news-breaking reports. Sort of like the drive time sports talk shows I like. I expect them to rant about what they like and don't like. I'll take my scores and schedules once every 20 minutes or so.

But you are right, the sky is not falling. I don't like the new system at all but I love drag racing and will go with it and see how it pans out. Just my .02!!
Well I will say this. I thought the drivers/owners/sponsors would be outraged but the few that I talked to were actually ok with it. They just didnt like the last 2 races deciding the championship. And then when I heard they owners and drivers on tv or what was reported on Comp Plus, they seemed the same way. It kinda surprised me. I mean, it could be so they dont become blacksheep by speaking out, but they seemed ok with the chase just not the last 2, which I think is even more ridiculous. They might as well show up at Pomona and flip a coin, but thats my opinion.

I think Jeff was really pulling his punches implying the rules were concocted during a Graham & Tom drinking binge.

To me, the idea sounds more like what you'd come up with on day three of a crack cocaine/crystal meth/esctasy binge.

Hopefully we'll be enjoying an episode of A&E's "Intervention" featuring both Compton and Light some time in the near future.

Remember, these two were the visionaries behind PRO STOCK TRUCK, and we know how successful that was.

Thankfully, the new points system won't cost NHRA nearly as much as the legal decisions did for the PST Lawsuits.

-85% Jimmy
Thankfully, the new points system won't cost NHRA nearly as much as the legal decisions did for the PST Lawsuits.

-85% Jimmy
Are you sure about this Jimmy? As I see it, this could be the straw that broke the Camel's back! Another sanctioning body could step up and ecilipse the NHRA into nothing more than a memory.
sure about this?

Not sure about anything, Bobby. Most of my posts are pure opinion and speculation.

But, I really don't think NHRA has much to worry about. They'll be around another 50 years easily, as long as Wally lives to be 142. heh-heh

Seriously, I think they're in good shape and most racers seem to be OK with the new points system. I'm not happy with it because it weighs luck as a much bigger factor in winning the World Championship than an entire season of performance. But the unfairness has to be weighed against the possibility that this will make NHRA professional drag racing more popular. I'm hardcore nitro, so I can't really empathize with Joe Sixpack's perspective on drag racing and what it would take to appeal to them.

My answer would probably be to PAY THEM TO GO. Get them out to the damn track. smell the nitro, dammit. hear the noise, feel the ground shake. marvel at the fact there's some brave human beings in those things being shot out of that cannon!

But, that's why I'm piddling on message boards and Graham and Tom are out there making the large dollars.

-85% Jimmy
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