Posted on DragRaceCentral:
6:21 p.m. Chassis builder Jerry Haas is here and after a quick survey of Warren's car, thinks it can be repaired. It won't be pretty, but it will be safe and raceable.
the body isn't going to be one of those deals where it will buff out, but it can be made raceable with some work. The tubing protecting the fuel cell got bent over, the front end needs a head light and some work, and the right rear quarter panel has a decent sized crease in it
The hardest part about getting the repairs done was locating GXP headlight and taillight assemblies to replace those broken in the crash.
No surprise there, wouldn't be the first time.Here's a quote from WJ's Friday presser that made Summits results page but was somehow deleted from NHRA's page. Looks like NHRA is policing what's posted by the teams PR people.
I read something about this on CompPlus where he was saying the same thing. He doesn't like it at all and, like usual, NHRA won't listen to the experts.Seems that WJ has brought his concerns about what would happen to NHRA's attention but to no avail.