My comments about the negativity around here still stand.
Okay. I see you lifted my thoughts, so I'll reply.
I don't like Sam Adams beer. Am I being negative?
I think it's too heavy, and the aftertaste is at best, something to be acquired. Still negative?
At least I have actually thought about why I don't like it, instead of disliking them because that's the way it is.
I think it's great that they purchased an old brick brewery and run their business out of it. That's positive, right?
But it says nothing about their beer, and the fact that I don't like it. So being positive is a position that accomplishes nothing when I'm trying to share my opinion a beer I don't find to my taste.
I think it's great that there's still enough fuel teams to usually fill a 16 car field.
I hope they go to 8 car fields soon.
Less cars is always better.
I prefer the racing, to the spectacle of an event. So yes, I am all for more racingcentric coverage, and wouldn't cry a tear if they ditched all of the things that aren't about the cars and the people that make them go fast. I don't need to know who they married, just tell me about what they did to overcome a certain issue on a track. The interviews you say are interspersed, are pretty-much omnipresent. I am a nerd, so I sat through a show last year, timing each instance of when the cars were televised, split screen interview/cars, and interviews alone, as well as sponsor breaks. The total number of minutes showing actual cars on the track/pits was a little over an hour of a three hour program. That's a bit more than interspersed. It feels like a long highlight show rather than a race. If I were to adopt a positive attitude towards this, wouldn't they see that as me enjoying it, and prompt them to give me even more of the same, and less racing? Perhaps someone out there actually likes a soap opera lifestyles of the rich and famous highlights program. Let them be positive about it. I don't feel so positive. I haven't given up on the Big Show, I still watch it, they get my advertising demo numbers. I am not trying to start a revolution to get all viewers to abandon drag racing en masse. I talk about it because I care about it. I would love to LOVE everything they send down the pipe. I wish they didn't make it so hard to love them.
Negative? Perhaps that's a perception. I see it as an opinion. Is it wrong to like one way over another? Is it wrong to discuss these things in a related posting? Can I help it if everything they "try" seems to be the result of looking towards NASCAR or seeing where the dart hit the board? Neither of which have any resemblance of drag racing competition at their core.
Sometimes, a mistake is what happens when you are trying different, new things. Sometimes it's pure laziness. Do your homework, and your results will be more on target than someone that slept the day away.