I raced against Jet Cars a couple of rounds in my TA/FC at night at a dog and pony Funny Cars vs Jets show at Firebird in Phoenix back in 1993. The in-car perspective was... I'm sitting in the car with the body up ready to fire. The jet fires up and you can hear the jet's rpms slowly come up. One of the jet car crew guys motions to the starter to give the signal to fire me up. My car is fired up and the body comes down. I roll forward and do my burn out and it's as if I'm on a single run, everything is routine. While I'm backing up I see flashes of my shadow in front of me from the orange flame show the jet car is doing behind me in his lane. I get back and pull forward to pre-stage. The dash and tin in my car shakes from each jet burner pop as the jet car is also pulling forward. We pre-stage together, then the jet car stages. I can hear the jet rpms screaming through my helmet but it goes away when I rev mine up to 6,700 RPM and pull forward to stage. The light goes green and I never see or hear the jet car until I approach the finish line. As the jet car blows by you can see into the back of the jet engine. At shut off it's glowing red hot. They used cargo chutes back then that blew rocks everywhere which was a little rough on the paint job. We turn off together, get out of our cars and have a good laugh.
Jet cars are slower the first 1/8th mile so you never see or hear them at that point, but they make up the difference in the back half. I ran a high 5 something which was a good run back then, but the jet dragster ran a 5.23 at 293 miles per hour against me. If I recall correctly he only ran 186 miles per hour at the 1/8th which means he accelerated 100+ miles per hour from 1/8th to the quarter mile. The race ended up pretty close because of the difference in reaction times, but I still got my butt handed to me.
Lotsa fun.