Speaking Of New Drag Racing Fans... (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
My wife and I had our little boy on Nov.4. Weighed in at 7lbs., 0.4 oz. and measured 19".

Congrats Tom... and to your 'Better Half'...

Are you at the point yet where sleep is just a fond memory?

The best part of being a Grandfather, at least, for me, spoiling them rotten, then sending them home and letting mommy and daddy deal... but it's a fact, Fred has her gramps wrapped around her little fingers.... the two grandsons, not so much... birthday coming up the 3rd for the oldest, KJ is gonna be five...

Congrats Tom! I knew you guys were close, too, but you know how pregnancy can fog a woman's brain. LOL.

I like your OU stuff ... I need to get Lyla some Gonzaga stuff (since it's hoops season) ... gotta raise 'em right, ya know!
Congrats Tom. I can't believe my little girl Kendall is now 3 months old. The time flies and they do get bigger before your eyes.
Congrats Tom. Hope you start saving a bunch of money b/c that kids dr bills are going to be outta sight once he gets old enough and see's this pic and what you did to him with all that OU stuff.:)
Thanks, everybody. It's a real thrill to say the least. I'm already amazed at how much he's changed just in 2 1/2 weeks!
Poor kid, already warped for life from all that Sooners gear.

Just funnin' with ya Tom. Congrats again, send Charlie my best.
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