I would think, what with Micheal Waltrip's season from hell this previous year, NAPA, of all sponsors, would entertain no illusions that not qualifying is a possibility.
again, the differences between sponsorship amounts and racing series.
i would bet napa's spending considerably more for the waltrip gig than
the DSR gig (i'd love to be proven wrong on this but i don't think so)
and they're buying a brand in michael waltrip, a brand that i would think
started with his brother darrell (and my other brother darrell

nascar's success has made their drivers household names that are
nationally recognized in print, radio and tv adv't.
so napa spends more for nascar and they get more,
hence the argument in drag racing; is it the cars or the drivers?
i think it is john force that moves castrol oil off the shelves, not his fc's.
i would like nothing more than to see napa try to develop
the name 'ron capps' away from the track (as did brut to a degree).
the way it is rite now, if a drag racer is not nationally known outside
of the sport, how can he/she offer marketability other than what
they do at the track 24x year?
don't get me wrong - i've supported the countdown and continue to,
but i'm sure not in favor of provisionals, especially with only
16 car fields.