Rod Fuller Q&A (1 Viewer)

Hmmmmm.....Would rather win 'Vegas than Indy??!! In modern day drag racing, Indy isn't as big for him??!! To each his own. (maybe my age is showing)

Vegas is his home track... the points count the same and it hosts the TF shootout...

and I hate to say it, but Indy has just become another race for most... no one laps a car 10 to 12 times to make the show, no more double points, It's not the last big race before the world finals... no longer has a 32 car field... need I go on?

just another old guy remembering what was compared to what is now...

True, Karl.........But ask any of the Pro drivers and to this day, they will say Indy, even with all the changes over the years. Except, of course, Mr. Fuller.

I agree with what Rod said about the countdown.It shouldn't be decided with the last two races.Going to the last 6 races to determine the winner.Which would be better.
"I also don't like how it segregated the rest of the teams. If you finish in the top 10, that's still a good accomplishment and should be rewarded monetarily"

But Rod, then you say this...

"It also would be neat if the Countdown guys were in the same bracket racing against each other"

So Rod, explain this to me, you say you don't like how the countdown segregates the other teams, yet, you think it would be neat if the 'countdown' guys were in the same bracket racing against each other? Thus segregating those once again who didn't make it in. And let's be realistic we know the girls and guys who didn't make it in this year, didn't get much coverage until they won a final round, so it would probably be even worse if something like what you suggested came into play, as all the coverage would be focussed on those who made it in, not those who are still competing. Yeah that would be pretty 'neat' yeah! :(
Oh my.

Rod first gets chastised for saying the payouts in TAD suck (which they do) and that's the reason he didn't go into that class.

Now he gets chastised for saying he'd rather win Vegas over Indy and then gets chastised for the bracket race idea.

The guy can't win! :rolleyes:
True, Karl.........But ask any of the Pro drivers and to this day, they will say Indy, even with all the changes over the years. Except, of course, Mr. Fuller.


How many of those "any Pro drivers" have ever doubled up? When those drivers are asked on the tube about Indy and how important it is, they all sound like Brandon Bernstein going through his sponsor list. Rehearsed and boring.
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