It is nice to hear everyone likes the reports. They take some time to put together, but having everyone enjoy them makes it worthwhile.
Jeremy, thanks for taking the time to respond. That is probalby the only time David and I will be mentioned in the same sentence when talking drag racing!
Joh, my whole team wants to come back to Tulsa. I was disappointed to find out the OFA weren't coming back. If there is a chance we will be there. Making it to the finals there last year was very cool. I want to come "seal the deal" next time.
Michael, I have to agree!! Thanks.
Jim, I have them saved in word for my rocking chair days. I can come in here and say, "You kids should have been around when,,,,,"
Pat, come racing with us,,,don't even need any gaskets as this Hemi uses o-rings,,,bring some of them instead!
Lance, as you can see it is all Purple still. We are sorting the bugs out, then going to do something like we talked.
Greg,,,you worry me son!! You have way too many connections!!!!
Thanks again everyone!