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Pick the Winners-Dallas

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Seasons winding down and the battle at the top is getting rough. Make your picks

NHRA Pick The Winners

1 Ralph Sajkowski 298
2 Mark Krogen 292
3 *JRX* 289
4 Ken Rau 288
5 Dave Major 285
6 John Panuzzo 280
7 rosco 279
8 Ray Ghio Jr 274
9 Jim Young 274
10 cappntripps 273
11 Bob Webb 273
12 mike larson 271
13 Greg Green 271
14 frank veloz 270
15 alan loder 268
16 kb301 265
17 Don Clark 265
18 joe fuchita 263
19 kermit 263
20 Rajunz 261
21 James Shannon 261
22 Aussie Boy 260
23 Lady Linda 260
24 Ginna 260
25 mel smith 259
26 Bruce Federwisch 258
27 Rick Atchley 258
28 Chris Schoen 257
29 drflames98 257
30 Rocky Cotton 256
31 clwill 255
32 Justin League 255
33 Rasn1320 253
34 PJ Sapienza 253
35 ozfuel 252
36 Tim Connolly 252
37 Clutch Nut 252
38 Chris2421 252
39 megadeth 248
40 Squeaky 247
41 Willymon 246
42 Shot in the Dark 245
43 steve haller 243
44 jtigger350 236
45 ynotnitro 235
46 mike schroeder 235
47 Craig Eagle 234
48 Erica Ortiz 232
49 cheryl 232
50 merc49 231
51 Hammer 230
52 mkinc2 225
53 kristen sapienza 224
54 stevebullard 223
55 RickyD 220
56 Skid Mark 218
57 warbird1 215
58 Jim Shryne 215
59 Teri Sewell 213
60 Tony Rieck 209
61 Mark Rohwein 208
62 Howard Levine 208
63 Mr. Dodge 203
64 DPiper 201
65 FABMAN777 191
66 Clarence 186
67 Angie Mcbride 176
68 Terry 167
69 karl stalcup 162
70 wilbur 159
71 Brian O 140
72 Mike Minick 130
73 98percentnitro 119
74 tfscj 116
75 Sue Nichols 109
76 matt smith 103
77 Chili 98
78 bobunkefer 90
79 EricB 87
80 Bobby Miller 74
81 duckman679 73
82 Shannon 71
83 see h 3 n 0 too 64
84 Jack Webster 62
85 vegasnitro 59
86 Shawn Fleischmann 55
87 aangelico 54
88 Jenn Jaramillo 53
89 iceyman 52
90 spdracer 52
91 Erik Bilisoly 47
92 lp66me 46
93 Marvin 28
94 rm78605 24
95 David N Gawboy 24
96 Frank H. Cicerale 24
97 Kurt Leinenkugel 23
98 bkuhar 20
99 sgt-k-us 19
100 Don Richerson 18
101 Dubs 18
102 Lynn McCarthy 18
103 Doug C 17
104 curtis terry 17
106 gregm784 16
107 rpasley 16
108 tmc4065 16
109 Lowlife 15
110 Paula Termeer 15
111 racerburk 14
112 HEMI6point1 14
113 Leebone 14
114 jcaran 14
115 Fast16Racer 13
116 GerdaJoon 12
117 nitronanateck 11
118 Dave Cole 11
119 wgdrums 11
120 Zapman944 10
121 Prix-Mo 9
122 AR1Snoop 9
123 Rollout96 9
124 Jay Smith 9
125 nitroaltota 9
126 Timmah 8
127 oldfield 7
128 james roach 7
129 NitroNate 7
130 Wayne Minick 7
131 racefan 6
132 ndfreak 5
133 bighead7369 3
134 Rob McCabe 0
135 gregg thompson 0
136 Kevin Bennett 0
137 ss283power 0
138 GreggT 0
139 aloctraz 0
140 lynn 0
141 Paul Miller 0
142 Timmah5636 0
143 mark glading 0
144 chevythunder25 0
145 John Capps 0
146 Lineman_02 0
147 gjenner 0
148 magicmike 0
149 Nick Ferri 0
150 haagar 0
151 quiksilver0289 0
152 Daryl 0
153 nitrojunk-e 0
154 cindywittenberg 0
Same Floppers, Different week

Zippy & Medlen gotta win one before the end of the season

When will we see the results, hell the race has been over for over 20 Min & STILL NO RESULTS!... This almost as bad as NHRA Running the SHOW !! :(

PJ j/k don't go getting all upset :D
congrats to rosco for the tie breaker win over joe

1 rosco 24
2 joe fuchita 24
3 Tony Rieck 23
4 Ralph Sajkowski 23
5 Hammer 22
6 Chris2421 22
7 drflames98 22
8 Jim Young 21
9 tfscj 21
10 Craig Eagle 21
11 Dave Major 21
12 frank veloz 20
13 Aussie Boy 20
14 PJ Sapienza 20
15 Jim Shryne 20
16 alan loder 20
17 Mark Krogen 20
18 Ginna 20
19 mike schroeder 20
20 Rajunz 20
21 megadeth 20
22 mel smith 19
23 Ray Ghio Jr 19
24 Mr. Dodge 19
25 steve haller 19
26 Willymon 19
27 Tim Connolly 19
28 kermit 18
29 ozfuel 18
30 Greg Green 18
31 ynotnitro 18
32 DPiper 18
33 Bruce Federwisch 17
34 jtigger350 17
35 merc49 17
36 Chris Schoen 17
37 warbird1 17
38 Rick Atchley 17
39 mike larson 16
40 Squeaky 16
41 cappntripps 15
42 *JRX* 15
43 Rasn1320 15
44 John Panuzzo 15
45 clwill 15
46 karl stalcup 15
47 Teri Sewell 15
48 Howard Levine 14
49 RickyD 14
50 Lowlife 14
51 kristen sapienza 14
52 Shot in the Dark 14
53 Ken Rau 13
54 kb301 11
55 James Shannon 11
56 Lady Linda 11
57 Clarence 10
58 Don Clark 7
59 chevythunder25 0
60 cindywittenberg 0
and Ralph extended his lead in the overall standings

1 Ralph Sajkowski 321
2 Mark Krogen 312
3 Dave Major 306
4 *JRX* 304
5 rosco 303
6 Ken Rau 301
7 John Panuzzo 295
8 Jim Young 295
9 Ray Ghio Jr 293
10 frank veloz 290
11 Greg Green 289
12 alan loder 288
13 cappntripps 288
14 mike larson 287
15 joe fuchita 287
16 kermit 281
17 Rajunz 281
18 Aussie Boy 280
19 Ginna 280
20 drflames98 279
21 mel smith 278
22 kb301 276
23 Rick Atchley 275
24 Bruce Federwisch 275
25 Chris2421 274
26 Chris Schoen 274
27 Bob Webb 273
28 PJ Sapienza 273
29 James Shannon 272
30 Don Clark 272
31 Tim Connolly 271
32 Lady Linda 271
33 clwill 270
34 ozfuel 270
35 Rasn1320 268
36 megadeth 268
37 Willymon 265
38 Squeaky 263
39 steve haller 262
40 Shot in the Dark 259
41 Rocky Cotton 256
42 Craig Eagle 255
43 mike schroeder 255
44 Justin League 255
45 ynotnitro 253
46 jtigger350 253
47 Clutch Nut 252
48 Hammer 252
49 merc49 248
50 kristen sapienza 238
51 Jim Shryne 235
52 RickyD 234
53 cheryl 232
54 Tony Rieck 232
55 warbird1 232
56 Erica Ortiz 232
57 Teri Sewell 228
58 mkinc2 225
59 stevebullard 223
60 Howard Levine 222
61 Mr. Dodge 222
62 DPiper 219
63 Skid Mark 218
64 Mark Rohwein 208
65 Clarence 196
66 FABMAN777 191
67 karl stalcup 177
68 Angie Mcbride 176
69 Terry 167
70 wilbur 159
71 Brian O 140
72 tfscj 137
73 Mike Minick 130
74 98percentnitro 119
75 Sue Nichols 109
76 matt smith 103
77 Chili 98
78 bobunkefer 90
79 EricB 87
80 Bobby Miller 74
81 duckman679 73
82 Shannon 71
83 see h 3 n 0 too 64
84 Jack Webster 62
85 vegasnitro 59
86 Shawn Fleischmann 55
87 aangelico 54
88 Jenn Jaramillo 53
89 iceyman 52
90 spdracer 52
91 Erik Bilisoly 47
92 lp66me 46
93 Lowlife 29
94 Marvin 28
95 Frank H. Cicerale 24
96 rm78605 24
97 David N Gawboy 24
98 Kurt Leinenkugel 23
99 bkuhar 20
100 sgt-k-us 19
101 Don Richerson 18
102 Dubs 18
103 Lynn McCarthy 18
104 Doug C 17
105 curtis terry 17
107 gregm784 16
108 rpasley 16
109 tmc4065 16
110 Paula Termeer 15
111 jcaran 14
112 Leebone 14
113 HEMI6point1 14
114 racerburk 14
115 Fast16Racer 13
116 GerdaJoon 12
117 nitronanateck 11
118 Dave Cole 11
119 wgdrums 11
120 Zapman944 10
121 Prix-Mo 9
122 nitroaltota 9
123 Jay Smith 9
124 Rollout96 9
125 AR1Snoop 9
126 Timmah 8
127 NitroNate 7
128 james roach 7
129 Wayne Minick 7
130 oldfield 7
131 racefan 6
132 ndfreak 5
133 bighead7369 3
PJ Awesome job !! just think you only have about 4 more races this yr :)

Nice job .. tkxx
too much overselling/pushing the countdown I can't actually watch an entire race anymore buzz through most of it makes it quicker to post
too much overselling/pushing the countdown I can't actually watch an entire race anymore buzz through most of it makes it quicker to post

Countdown are you saying the "Countdown" ain't the greatest thing since sliced bread!! God, I often wonder how NHRA managed to survive all these years "Without The Countdown" :rolleyes:
Hey PJ, Thanks a ton! Bump me up another 5 spots next race and I'll gladly send you some of Rick's favorite homemade Oatmeal cookies! ;):eek::D
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