Old Rock & Roll Clubs in Fort Worth, Texas (1 Viewer)

Here is the link to a great story featuring my husband, Mace Maben. Check out the adorable pictures of him!!!

It is a great story about the cool music scene here in Fort Worth. Enjoy!!!

FWWeekly: Feature: Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thanks Susie for the Link!
Brings back a lot of memories [ if I could just remember them]. LOL
That I'm still alive is a testimony to human fortitude !
I know some of my old friends still go to Dr Rockets but I can't drink anymore so whats the point.
I sure do like live music though and D/FW has always had that.
Aaaahhh The Axis and the Engine Room, those were fun :D, I also hung out at Caravan of Dreams some too, not a heavy metal place but some great blues, I remember the Dungeon in Dallas too, it didn't last long but there were some killer metal bands going there, and the mosh pit was crazy!
Aaaahhh The Axis and the Engine Room, those were fun :D, I also hung out at Caravan of Dreams some too, not a heavy metal place but some great blues, I remember the Dungeon in Dallas too, it didn't last long but there were some killer metal bands going there, and the mosh pit was crazy!

We really need another Caravan of Dreams here in Fort Worth. It was such a great mix of acts that would come through there. It was such a "warm" sounding room too.

I don't remember The Dungeon in Dallas, but I spent many a night at The Basement! I saw some great shows there. It was great people watching too!!!
Those cats are goovy man. Dig the double breasted jackets, turtle necks and are those patent leather shoes even?

No wonder Mace got Suzie, I mean how could she resist.
We really need another Caravan of Dreams here in Fort Worth. It was such a great mix of acts that would come through there. It was such a "warm" sounding room too.

I don't remember The Dungeon in Dallas, but I spent many a night at The Basement! I saw some great shows there. It was great people watching too!!!
Thats what it was, The Basement! I was trying to remember the name and kept thinking.....basement, cellar, dungeon.... something below, anyway, that place was pretty crazy. used to hang out there about 1993-1995, I dated this chick from Ft. Worth in the mid 90s who was way into HEAVY Metal and punk, we had some wild times in Ft. Worth/Dallas. Also there was a really cool place in Downtown Tyler called "Ricks on the Square" Rick had lots of great bands back in the day including Kenny Wayne Sheppard, and Bugs Henderson, It's still there but now it's just a resturant.
Thats what it was, The Basement! I was trying to remember the name and kept thinking.....basement, cellar, dungeon.... something below, anyway, that place was pretty crazy. used to hang out there about 1993-1995, I dated this chick from Ft. Worth in the mid 90s who was way into HEAVY Metal and punk, we had some wild times in Ft. Worth/Dallas. Also there was a really cool place in Downtown Tyler called "Ricks on the Square" Rick had lots of great bands back in the day including Kenny Wayne Sheppard, and Bugs Henderson, It's still there but now it's just a resturant.

We probably know each other from the places you are talking about!!! When I worked at J&J Blues Bar, Kenny Wayne Sheppard was just a wee little lad in high school! I still have my T-shirt that he & his dad gave me from their first tour. What a great player. Bugs is still around town here! We see him from time to time. Still playing in his sweats and sneakers!

The Basement was quite a place! It was dark and dank but that = AWESOME!!!:D
The Basement was flippin awesome!! Many top 80's metal bands gigged there even in thier heyday when they were doing arenas in other cities because maybe for one reason or another they couldn't quite get into the Starplex, Reunion or Fort Worth Convention Center.
There were many national acts that just loved to play there because the choice of "bimbo's" was endless! Einee-meenie-miney-mo.......which ho get's to go!!!

That place was soooo flamable because of all the "aqua net" that was in the air and on the heads of the guys & girls! You could see some of the biggest hair you have ever seen in your life in one place. Let's not forget about the 25 cent draft beer!!! Woooo-Hooooo!!! I would gladly pay for a Crown & Coke!!!
Remember Denim & Diamonds in Airlington? OMG; I can't remember what it was called before that. But every Friday night there used to be a hugeass party in the UTA parking lot. One night I wound up street racing - like an IDIOT all the way down Cooper Street to that place, and got my azz kicked outside - and then got confronted inside, too by the same punks. They were mad, just because I beat them - in my Buick Grand National. Stupid things you do when you're yung, fearless & STUPID.
J&J Blues Bar, yep I used to go drinkin' there too, there were several blues bars we would frequent along with the metal/rock clubs, I have a hard time remembering the names of the bars but I do remember the great live music. those were FUN times, I was divorced, in my 30s, skinny and had hair down to my ass, the chicks loved it, I was wearing size 32 jeans then. Now, I'm 46 with a flattop and wearing size 42s, Happy, and married to my hottie who is also from Ft. Worth
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And Forests of Boones Farm Strawberry Hill bottles.
No wonder my insides aged faster than the outsides. LOL
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