They have someone at each event and they pretty much supply NHRA with the info they gather and post to DRC first so NHRA.COM is usually a bit behind anything posted on DRC.
National event results are sent to both ( for NitroJam national events) and DRC at exactly the same time. The delays experienced this past weekend on had to have been caused by a glitch at their website. The reports were being sent, but they got hung up somewhere in the autopost functionality of their server. When everything is working correctly on both sites, the results posts should theoretically post at the same time.
I think what makes DRC the best place to go for results is they get everything we do, and it's all accessible from the front page. You can find and track any and all current national and divisional events from that one front page. It's also a great place to find results info from past races, be it a race from earlier this year, last year, or as far back as 1998. Pick an event category (NHRA, IHRA, Sportsman, or the recently added ADRL), then click on the "More News" box at the top of that window. Choose "100 Latest", and that will send you to a window that shows the last 100 posts made in that event category. At the top of that page, you can filter the posts by event simply by clicking on which ever event is running or has run during the current month. If you want more info, on the left side of the screen are clickable links to report posts archived in order by year. Click on the year you want, and that will send you to either the current month if you choose 2010 for an archive search, or it will send you to December of previous years. For previous years, that window will let you pick the month you might want to view, and clicking on a specific month will display everything posted in chronological descending order. It really is a great tool to use when looking for info on past years' event coverage.
As to who we are, 8 guys (9 if you count one who only covers one or two events a year) are used cover every NHRA and IHRA national and divisional event, as well as the recently added ADRL events and other select events like HRR and some big money bracket races. In most cases, there are only one or two guys at any given event. There are some exceptions like the US Nationals that require more than two reporters, but since the majority of the events that we cover are divisional events, it's usually one guy in the tower with a laptop computer and an aircard. We live in different regions of the country which makes overall travel expenses easier to bear than if we were all based in one location. Most of us have been doing this stuff not only from the beginning of DRC, but were previously doing it as volunteers posting similar reports to the old Prodigy and Compuserve message board systems. And, having Bob Frey as part of our team goes way beyond his "From The Tower" and "Did You Know?" feature articles. Bob is
the stat-man for NHRA drag racing. Lewis is very good, but Bob is better (not intended to be a shot at Lewis).
Summit Racing Equipment took a chance in the beginning to fund travel expenses for a rather loosely knit group of guys who loved drag racing and had previous experience in online results reporting. Our tools (the software, and in many cases, an available live data feed from the track timing systems) have expanded our reporting capabilities over the years, and Summit Racing Equipment has very good to us from the very beginning.
Like Jim, I must thank you all for the kind words. It is always good to see that folks appreciate our efforts!
We love what we do. ...and how many people can say they get paid to watch fast cars?