Nitro Member
Night of Fire Update
The Night of Fire is coming up in just two weeks. The scope has changed as we found out the beneficiary we were originally going to help got on the Oregon Health plan and no longer needs our help like he did when we originally contacted. And good for him, as he's now getting the help he needs.
Sadly, this opens the door to help another family that is in desperate need of the community's help. The boy's named Bryan Polley and he has a form of sarcoma (cancer) on top of that the family has no food in their cupboards and are driving a beater back in forth to Portland for treatment. With the gas prices the way they are their needs are compounded!
The good news is the Night of Fire is a chance for the car community and the drag racing world to get together and help this family out! We need your help to make this a success! HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO:
1. Tell or email everyone you know about the Night of Fire.
2. If you have a custom car, dragster, antique, classic, etc. bring it! Display it!
3. If you have a business that can donate an item for the raffle that would be fabulous.
Date: June 6, FRIDAY NIGHT
Time: From 3-10
Where: Between Pine Street and the Salem Parkway on N. Liberty across from Applebees
Admission Free!
If you have any questions please feel free to email me back. Details about the Night of Fires are at Capitol Racing