A few things need to happen before the NHRA stops taking on water.
First, the NHRA needs to take a look into the stands and look the the TV ratings because the fans are the final judge. They are the final judge because the FANS buy the products that our drying sponsorship pool sells in order to fund this sport. Sponsorship money NEVER dries up if it is a good advertising investment and a solid vehicle to sell product.
A couple of sayings come to mind here.
"If you find yourself in a hole... Quit digging".
I think C.K. Spurlock also said at the time when his son was driving, "It's show business.., If there's no show, then there's no business"
I think AJ, Head, and probably all the rest of the teams prefer running 1000', especially AJ because he is on record saying that 1,000' falls right into his sweet spot. I think the first thing NHRA needs to do is forget what the teams want, and start looking at what sells to the fans, and eventually attracts sponsors back to the sport. I can tell you that nobody, NOBODY wants to see a 3 second drag race, and the casual fan thinks it's a joke on TV.
Maybe AJ and company love it, but someday I would have to assume the Sheik, while supporting a large portion of the nitro classes lately, might tire of the sport, and find a new thing that men in his unlimited position do to keep themselves occupied and entertained, and that will be that. He'll be looking for a traditional corporate sponsor, and unless there is a show, there is no business....
Job 1 is simple, re-create fan interest in order to survive, and make this a better show on TV. Again, just look at history to see the future. Study "American Sports Cavalcade" for pointers of how to get it done...
I don't know a thing about tuning Nitro, or how slight tweaks affects parts, but here is my perspective in "a perfect world".
1.Personally, I think the NHRA needs to be looking at 1,320 racing by no later than 2013.
2.They need to dump the current funny car (COT) bodies in favor of stock factory lines so they look like cars instead of poly wrapped bubbles.
Just look at the nostalgia circuit for direction. Look at the new Nationwide cars. Re-create the factory wars by actually recreating the factory look.
3.The engine power needs to be reduced in order to get back to acceptable speeds at 1,320, and no I don't want to hear from any single team that 1,000 is better, because it's only better for them and not the sport.. There are many approaches available. Pick one that allows the independent to compete. Where "wins" are based on race day tuning, instead of cubic blocking.
4. Limit ownership to a maximum of two cars. Multiple car owners per class maintain too much power and control over the race, the cars, that those who want to participate. Personally, I would rather see one, which opens up the field for more independents to have a chance to qualify and make their travel expenses. If a man has an actual shot, and I think we can safely say there currently isn't one with the current ownership fields, he/she will build a car to participate. If not...well you see where we are at in 2011. The days of 25 nitro cars per class are long gone.
IMHO, and no disrespect, but what John Force is doing to the class with all of his kids is a NOT good for the long term health of the NHRA, and will eventually kill the class for the independent. I think the NHRA is equally irresponsibility for putting all of it's eggs into the "team" basket instead of fostering indepentent baskets.. Personally, and with all due respect for the girls, I won't to pay for a ticket to see Ashley and Courtney race FC. To me personally, I just think it stinks to high heaven of Nepotism, and I think it's a turn off to fans who naturally love to pull for the underdog. You know, the "little" guy who is laying it all out there to compete with John Forces's kids, along with Robert....
The world loved the Trevor Bayne story, not the Ivanka, Donald Trump Jr. story...
If the girls want to race, and who are we to tell them they can't because they are JFR's daughters, think the TF class is a better overall fit for everyone involved as long as the Force cars are limited to two of the sixteen TF spots. It's an unfair rap to be the Boss's kid, But, I truly think TF is a place where the girls either sink or swim, and EARN their respect rightfully from the fans, and not under a father's guarded protection and block..
I want to re-lay the groundwork to see more independents who just can't buy an easy seat from FC seat brokers like DSR. Owning multiple cars makes this "broker" and blocking business possible. There is just something wrong when you create an avenue for an owner to sell multiple seats along with qualifying spots to the highest bidder. It may be capitolistic and legal, but is it right for the fans and the health of the NHRA? It also forces everyone to either buy another blocker car of their own to compete, or lose the odds of bringing home a championship. It may work in Nascar, but I believe it just doesn't work for the NHRA fan.
I think the human stories like Whit, Al, Jerry Caminito, Gary Densham, Chuck Etchell, and just about any golden era car owner are what fans like to see have the opportunity to play out today, and not about how Massey ponied up the cash to buy the seat for 2011. If you limit car ownership, it will open the door for the eventual new breed of independent.
Taking one step back will propel the sport two feet forward.
I am sure there are many more fine ideas, and my ideas may not even be possible considering the damage done, so I'll step aside and read what follows.