Nitro Member
I followed the Raiders move to LV very closely because I love the NFL and Las Vegas. lol. Originally the $750 Mil was going to fund the Las Vegas convention center. Sheldon Adelson owns the Sands covention center and he didnt want the money to go to a competitor. So he got involved and got that money moved to build the stadium but wanted a piece of the Raiders. Adelson more or less ending up not getting anything out of the deal. This deal does screw all visitors of Nevada and not just the Las Vegas visitors. It's so easy to put another tax on the tourists. When I rent a car in Vegas for a weekly rental, the rental itself usually runs $120-$150 and another $100 in taxes. No different in any state though. The public end up paying millions for a stadium for rich owners. This money could be spent elsewhere to better serve the citizens of Nevada.
I'm with you though. You should at least embrace it because you can't do anything to stop it. Not sure if you will ever get a NCAA championship game in Vegas. I know they have the Las Vegas Bowl and have 3 or 4 NCAA Mens conference tournaments but they would be very hesitant to put a national championship game in Vegas. Would be great to see though. They will get a SuperBowl for sure.
We are still going full speed ahead with LV Convention Center upgrades/improvements. The former site of the Riviera has been purchased by the Convention Center and figures prominently in the plans.
Secondly, if possible next time you come to Vegas rent a car from an off-airport site. It will save you a lot of taxes and fees.