F1 teams have tried this for years and have always failed. In fact, the most recent iteration, FOTA, was dissolved at the beginning of this season after 6 years of accomplishing nothing. CART started as an organization of teams when USAC sanctioned open wheel racing, CART eventually got all the power and with an assist from Tony George, completely laid waste to open wheel racing from which it shows no sign of recovery. PRO is ostensibly the same thing as the NASCAR teams have, and PRO is a toothless, impotent organization that has little affect on Drag Racing. This NASCAR team owners organization has garnered some headlines, but history says it will accomplish nothing or they will completely destroy their sport from within.
Au contraire, Tony George and CART were opposites.
Au contraire, Tony George and CART were opposites.
I could just be naive ... however I have read several articles and heard several team owners (RTA) interviewed in the last few days. As I understand the RTA, they are simply taking matters into their own hands and attempting to leverage their power by focusing on things like cost reduction to themselves, ways their businesses can be more effective, and better environments for the 1,000's of employees each team has overall. Things they do not necessaily need the sanctioning body to get done.The Difference between PRO and RTA. RTA will most likely have the balls to a least challenge the sanctioning body.
PRO is a bunch of old men that get together to play cards when there is a rain out at a national event.
I could just be naive ... however I have read several articles and heard several team owners (RTA) interviewed in the last few days. As I understand the RTA, they are simply taking matters into their own hands and attempting to leverage their power by focusing on things like cost reduction to themselves, ways their businesses can be more effective, and better environments for the 1,000's of employees each team has overall. Things they do not necessaily need the sanctioning body to get done.
The new chairman stated that this was not a union and their intent is not focus on improving / changing NASCAR. It was about improving their businesses. He talked about pooling their resources as teams to ...
I don't know if it will be productive or not ... or if this is smoke and mirrors. But it sounds to me like the teams are deciding that they need to look within first in order to keep their businesses viable and profitable.
- Provide better benefits (healthcare) to all their employees instead of independant plans
- Leverage buying power for parts and equipment
- Leverage buying power with hotel chains to save $$ on all the rooms these teams consume on a weekly basis.
That's how I think this is drastically different from PRO.
Au contraire, Tony George and CART were opposites.
Drag Racing Version:
"NHRA will begin paying ESPN TV. Under the current structure, NHRA teams receive roughly 0% of the revenue from TV, with 0% to tracks and 0% to NHRA."
Yeah, and NHRA owns about 1/3 the tracks, with Bruton Smith owning about 1/3, so NHRA really gets about 0%, Bruton gets about 0%, and the guys that actually put on the show get about 0%. I bet NHRA is extremely happy about this development.
Well, if you PAY to be on TV it is an expense. Hence, there is no TV revenue to share. NHRA has always paid ESPN, so this is not a recent development. I don't get where anyone was expecting to get TV revenues as there have never been any??
Where does the ad money go that airs during telecast. I wouldn't expect it to match what they pay out though, so it still would lead to revenues, just less loss
I don't get where anyone was expecting to get TV revenues as there have never been any??